Chapter 37 - Suprise Party

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I woke up excited, it is Tessa's birthday. I kissed her cheek.

"Happy Birthday" I whispered.

I got out of bed and went to the mini kitchen thing, I decided to give Tessa a treat and make her favourite breakfast, Waffles. I got loads of waffles and put them into the toaster, I had bought them yesterday.. I spread them with margarine, yes Tessa likes margarine on waffles. I spread them all on and put them on a plate, I got some for me but put syrup on it then left a bunch for the boys.

I poured fresh orange juice into two cups and set them on a tray. I went not Tessa's room and sat next to her, waiting for her to wake up. I'm just casually watching her sleep, Edward Bella moment.., TWILIGHT! Hahaha.... Her eyes fluttered open.. Finally!

"Happy Birthday!" I said placing her tray in front of her. We ate our waffles then drank our juice..

"Niall, you didn't have to!" she said smiling at me.

"Oh but I did." I said kissing her nose.

She blushed a bright pink and looked down.

"You look so cute doing that" I said.

She looked up at me.

"Do what?" she said giggling.

"When you blush and look down, it's cute,"

Se did it again. I placed my finger under her chin and made her look at me. I placed my lips on hers then pulled away. She pouted making me chuckle.


Oh how I hate when he does that, kissed me gently then pulling away making my lips tingle for more. I reached for the back of his head and pulled his face towards mine, I rested my forehead on his.

"I hate when you do that." I whispered then kissing him gently on the lips, our lips moving in sync, it turned into a hot snog/make out session

"Hey Nialler thanks for the waffles but - PDA PDA GUYS SERIOUSLY!!" Harry said running out of the room, ohmydays. We could hear him screaming around the hotel room.

"Guys what happened to Harry?" Liam said walking in.

Niall and I shrugged, acting dumb. Liam walked out to calm Harry down. Not like he hasn't had a girlfriend! I swung my legs over the bed and got out, I stood up then remembered I need to do leg exercise and can't walk.

"Shit!" I said as pains shot up my legs as they went numb, I shut my eyes as I fell getting ready for the impact to come, but no impact came as two strong arms grabbed me, I opened my eyes to see Niall.

"Oh hello!" I said kissing him on the lips, I felt him smile in the kiss, awh. Niall lifted me into the wheelchair. I frowned.

"What?" Niall said laughing.

"I don't like wheelchairs Niall get it away!" I said crossing my arms. Niall laughed and came up to me, throwing my body over my shoulder as if I weighed nothing.

"Niall!" I screamed punching his back. He chuckled as he walked to the living room, I heard voices but I couldn't see.

"Niall what are you doing?!" Zayn said laughing.

"Tessa said she didn't like her wheelchair so I decided to grant her wish and her wheelchair disappeared." Niall said chuckling.

Suddenly Louis' head popped around.

"Hey sis!" he said smirking.

"Louis! Get me down please!" I said trying to give him puppy dog eyes.

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