Chapter 12 - Twitter

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I woke up feeling cold and lonely and didn't know why... Oh yeah.. Niall. I had a quick shower and changed into high waisted denim shorts, a plain purple shirt and a black waistcoat buttoned up. I went downstairs to eat breakfast and noticed everyone was already there.

"Hey" Niall said smiling to me, I went over to him before an arm blocked my way.

"No kissing, or holding of hands remember, you're both grounded." Louis said sternly. I scowled at him then walked through Louis' arms then hugged Niall. He didn't have anything against that.

"Grounded? Why are they grounded?" Liam asked.

"Because they were late when I gave them a certain time to come back at." Louis replied smiling.

"Oh Lou, you odd child." Zayn laughed.

"Eyy guys split it up!" Louis said noticing we had been hugging throughout their whole conversation.

"What are we doing today?" Harry asked.

"Shopping?" Niall said.

"Yeah!" everyone chorused.

Suddenly my phone beeped. I had a message. I quickly checked my phone.

*I haven't seen you lately, where have you been hiding? Still cheating on me? Little slut. - Greg.*

I stared at the phone for a while...

"Is everything ok?" Liam asked.

"Yeah fine" I said smiling, quickly putting my phone in my pocket.

I looked back at Niall who was staring at me, I gave him a 'Tell you later' look, he nodded then continuing eating his 5th bowl of breakfast.


"Is everything ok?" I asked looking at Tessa's worried face.

"Yeah fine" She said smiling, but quickly putting her phone back in her pocket. Something is up... But I decided not to ask her... yet.


1hr later we were all ready to leave. We all got into the car and drove straight to the shopping centre. We all split up, Niall, Tessa and Lou, Louis wanted to keep an eye on the couple. Which left Harry, Zayn and me.

"Where first lads!" I said happily.

"I need to go buy some hair products, I ran out!" Zayn said pushing us towards his favourite shop.

"You got new hair stuff last week and they were huge!!" Harry groaned.

"Come on Hazza, you get the next pick then!" I said walking into Zayn's favourite shop.

About half an hour later we were out. It took forever for Zayn to decide on if he needed a new hair product or try out a new one, in the end he decided to pick both. Wasted Time. Next we went to Jack Willis, Harry bought 3 hoodies and 5 shirts, this took about 2 hours because Zayn decided to buy 3 hoodies. But when we finally were out we had to go meet NIall, Tessa and Louis.


"BREAK IT UP!" I screamed as Tessa and Niall was attempting to kiss for the billionth time. They pouted as I held Tessa's wrist and Niall's wrist making sure they weren't causing PDA.

"Come on Lou! Stop being unfair pwwweeeeaaaassseee!!!!" Tessa said giving me her puppy dog eyes.

I looked away because it was hard to say no to them eyes. Niall smirked at me and turned my head to turn to Tessa and looking at her beautiful brown orbs. Before I could said "Fine!" Liam, Zayn and Harry came over holding a lot of shopping.

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