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Right so a lot of you's wanted a sequel and I've been doing very intense thinking...

So I thought about it and I'm gonna carry in my Harry Styles fanfic .. Please read it if you haven't already.. And I'm deciding on the sequel atm.. Cuz I need a plot and a title bla bla bla..

So yeah there is going to be a sequel, IF OOO the big if ;) well anyway if I get viewers in my other fanfic.. Viewers support me to write.. If I don't get viewers I always think what's the point.

So yeah I'm chuffed to say there is going to be a sequel IF I get viewers.. I need to think of a title .. I'm thinking of 'Dont forget that' .. Cuz like if someone says to you I love you, you say don't forget that? How's that?

Well please comment your suggestions on a title and I will go on from that.. Remember to read my very short fanfic which is nowhere near finishing.. It was actually supposed to base on my life but I get all teary if I do.

So there's your news.. Hahaha I meant notice! I'm so weird? I haven't even looked at the leaked songs of one direction... I think it's mean coz they didn't want them to be leaked so I have refused to click on the songs..

The songs leaked making Little Things not beat Justin Bieber's records.. And if you haven't realised to all those Plastic Bieber haters.. She got told to delete her account because a verified account said she was being mean or whatever. That verified account was our sass masta from Doncasta! Love ya Lou ..

Another thing to say., I DO NOT have a favourite boy in the band.. I think it's mean so when I write their names down I always have a different order everytime so one person isn't always first and one person isn't always last hehe I'm do weird :)

Well anyway comment, vote, fan me on this story and the other story.. OH, and Thankyou to those who read every word up to this point.

OH, and if you read my stories and your a fan, please fan me because some chapters are going to be private meaning only fans can read it.. So if you don't get the story and you're not a fan.. Fan me to see if there is a private chapter if you still don't get it, comment and shout at me hehee...


Loveyou all!

~ Chamrock Jack 🍀 Xox

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