Chapter 24 - The Airport

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When we got to the airport it was crowded with fans. We met up with Paul and other bodyguards who were coming on the tour. They helped us get our luggage as we went straight onto the private jet, yes a private jet! The boys were extremely rich. I looked at the mass of people building up, I couldn't do this. My heart started bumping against my chest, my eyes scanning around for somewhere to escape. I felt Niall grab me tightly.

"Stick with me, you're gonna be fine." he reassured me, I smiled and squeezed his hand. Niall started leading me through the fans ignoring the things they threw and screamed at him, how do they live through this? The fans swarmed around us and I felt people grab at me. I held tighter to Niall but I suddenly lost grip of his hand. I fell back a slightly and felt the impact of the floor. I felt excruciating pain all over me, I heard someone screaming my name but then everything blacked out.


We were just about to get through when I lost feeling of Tessa, I looked back and she wasn't there.

"Tessa? Tessa!" I yelled manoeuvring myself through the fans to find her. I looked round everywhere but it was impossible. I kept looking  until I finally found her, blacked out on the floor, people had the decency to trample over her and she was getting bruised. As I got closer to her I felt tears sting at my eyes, how could they just stand on a person? The pain. I ran over and picked her up bridal style running through the crowd. I felt her pain, it hurt. How could my fans, the people who supported me go and hurt someone so close to me?

"You're gonna be alright." I said to Tessa's limp body, kissing her on the forehead. I ran to see the boys looking confused. Paul suddenly saw me and smiled but his face fell when he saw me carrying Tessa. He shouted to the other boys as they all looked over. I ran over to them shouting,

"Go get a first aid box, a doctor anything!" I shouted feeling my voice crack as more tears fell. I can't let her get hurt, not again, I can't.

Later on we were forced onto the plane, Tessa was already on it somewhere else, she was getting checked up or something. We weren't allowed to move from our seats unless it was an emergency. This was an emergency, but Paul just didn't allow it. Paul was sat near by to watch us. I stared at the empty seat next to mine... Tessa's. I grabbed my phone and tweeted.

@NiallOfficial: I miss @TessaTomlinson :(

My phone exploded with replies, but none of them was her. I scrolled through until I see her name, was this a parody account? No.

@TessaTomlinson: I miss you too @NiallOfficial I have the biggest headache ever and my body aches.. Please come I'm bored and lonely :(

I quickly tapped in a reply.

@NiallOfficial: where are you?!?!? @TessaTomlinson

@TessaTomlinson: First Class, behind the curtains there's like a doctors area @NiallOfficial

I didn't bother to reply, I stood up telling Paul I needed the toilet, I went to First Class and saw the curtains, I peeled them back and there she was sitting on a bed. Tessa. I ran over to her smiling.

"Hiya" she smiled, sitting up.

"How are you?" I ask immediately, I didn't want to touch her in case I inflict her with more pain.

"I'm fine, just a tad sore."

"You'll be okay." I take her hand in mine, interlocking our fingers together. They were like jigsaw pieces; they were meant to be.



"Huh what?" I said sitting up.. I fell asleep? Weird..

My hands were still in Tessa's, but I had 4 pairs of eyes on me; the boys.

"We knew you weren't at the toilet so we went to find you, you do know you're in big trouble with Paul." Liam said sternly looking at me. I nodded to see Tessa was asleep.

"We have to go back, she'll be fine. I promise" Louis assured, patting my back. I stood up and kissed Tessa on the forehead, I slowly released her hand, whispering a promise that I would be back. I then follow after the boys, peering over my shoulder one last time before drawing the curtains shut.


No this book isn't finished yet don't worry :)

It may of sounded like it in the last chapter but it hasn't finished :)


I'm tired it's 1:08am when I updated *yawn*

Loveyou all!!

~Chamrock Jack 🍀 Xox

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