Chapter 17 - Twitcam

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A few weeks later I was back at the hospital, they said my foot recovered well and I just had to make sure I don't walk so much or even run. I was slightly limping and if I walked too much or ran it would shoot pains up my leg. But other then that everything is fine! YAY!! As we were about to leave Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall came up to me and gave me a purple parcel. I looked up at them and they motioned for me to open it. Louis smiled at me, I'm guessing he knew what it was? I carefully unwrapped the purple tissue paper and there in my hands was a Blackberry Bold 9900. "THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!!" I shouted hugging all the boys. They laughed then Liam replied

"It's already charged and you're signed in on twitter. Our numbers are in your contacts and look at the cover!" Liam said excited. I turned the phone over to see it had a One Direction phone cover. I laughed the saw there was more covers in the tissue paper. I took them out and saw that there was also individual pictures of the boys. I laughed slightly as I put them all in my bag and we went home.

When we got home and Liam decided to do a twitcam. He booted up his laptop and tweeted

@Real_Liam_Payne Going to do a twitcam :) All the boys are going to be in it!

Loads of people replied and RT'd and Favourited. What a huge fan base! Liam started up twitcam and sent out a link. I watched them do a twitcam, out of camera's view. I could only see the boys and not what was happening on the laptop. Hopefully nothing special. They started to read questions from the fans.

"Who's single." Liam read.

"ME!" Harry shouted causing everyone to laugh.

"Who are your girlfriends and where are they? Stalky much!" Zayn said chuckling at the end.

"Danielle is rehearsing for a concert" Liam said smiling.

"Eleanor is shopping I think..." Louis said putting on a thinking face.

"Perrie's on tour." Zayn said grinning.

"Miss Tomlinson is sitting in this very room." Niall said winking at me I smiled back then looked back onto my new phone.

"Can we see Tessa." Louis said looking up. I shook my head vigorously, I was wearing a tracksuit and didn't look very attractive.

"sorry guys, Tessa's refusing!" Liam said frowning.

"Come on Tessa! Be a nice little sister and come over or else." Louis said looking over to me smirking.

"Or else what." I said glaring over but ruining the seriousness by laughing.

"Or else... This!" Niall said running over to me, before he could grab me I ran off upstairs, Niall hot on my heels.


Seeing Tessa run off was so funny. "Guys Tessa has run off and Niall is chasing her.. In the mean time any more questions?" I said grinning as we boys answered more questions, most of them about our personal life.


I chased Tessa up the stairs but I stumbled a bit making her far ahead. She giggled before shutting her bedroom door. I ran up and carefully opened the door of her room. Empty. I looked around everywhere but I couldn't find her. I locked the bathroom, as it was locked on the outside. But she didn't respond, the last place she would be is... The wardrobe. I opened the wardrobe door and walked in, the lights automatically turning on. I gazed around at all her clothes but she was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly I heard some shuffling... I ran to where it came from and saw Tessa I poked her and she looked over and squealed. I laughed at her childish behaviour before she stood up in front of me.

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