Chapter 21 - Meeting

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I woke up feeling a slight breeze, that's weird, it's summer. I looked down to see that I was naked, shit. Did something happen between me and Niall? I can feel a headache coming, another migraine for today, yay. I looked over at Niall who was still asleep in boxers, phew. He was doing the usual, arms wrapped around me, but this time it felt weird, my bare chest was against his bare chest, awkward. I struggled to untangle myself today but I soon managed, I decided to stay in bed for a bit though..

Niall soon woke up, he smirked at me. "Nice to see you awake." he said laughing.

"Niall why am I naked?" I said blushing a bit.

"Well, can I just say you're a total different girl when your drunk, you kept kissing me and making out with me.. To be honest it was quite funny, oh and your naked because you refused to wear any clothes. " Niall said grinning.

"Oh." I said feeling myself blush more, "Where are my clothes?" I said looking around.

"In your wardrobe, duh" Niall said smirking. "Niall can you be amazing and get me some clothes..." I said smiling.

"You saying I'm not always amazing!" Niall gasped making a shocked face. I laughed then replied: "No but can you just..."

"get it yourself"

"I'm naked!"

"so? I've seen you naked before.."

"Oh my god look away."


Niall looked away as I made a run for it to the wardrobe, I ran in and slammed the door shut, phew.


I looked away, deciding to be a trustworthy boyfriend I didn't look back, no matter how tempting it was. I heard the door slam as I slid back under the covers, so warm.

Suddenly loud noises were heard, the boys burst in talking and babbling on, they obviously didn't have a hangover.

"Hey where's Tessa?" Louis asked looking around.

"Wardrobe.. She slept naked" I laughed.

"You didn't do anything did you?" Louis said raising his eyebrow.

"NOO!! She was drunk and refused to wear any clothes." I said chuckling.

Louis frowned then didn't say anything.

"Anyway... We came in to tell you that we have a meeting today." Zayn said.

I groaned before getting out of bed, might as well get ready. The boys left leaving me alone in Tessa's room, she took awhile so I knocked on the wardrobe. No noise. I walked in and she was standing there in her lingerie looking at clothes. I laughed as she quickly glared at me. I held my hand up in defence.

"You never told me not to come in!" I said laughing. She smiled then rummaged through her clothes. "What shall I wear?" Tessa said frowning.

"You look fine how you are now." I said smirking at her. She glared and punched me lightly, "don't make me get those handcuffs back." she said. I backed away before helping her find some clothes.

We finally agreed on a pair of skinny jeans, a black tank top, then a crop jumper which was yellow and said 'LOVE' on it. She added a few bracelets a necklace and did her hair. She didn't put any makeup on today yet she still looked beautiful.

We headed out and to the meeting destination, Tessa had to stay outside as the meeting was an important one. Tessa stayed outside the meeting room on a comfy sofa as we went in, there was a window where we could see her, but she hadn't noticed, I watched as she grabbed her phone and was scrolling through stuff, probably twitter.

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