Chapter 15 - Tangled in Niall

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I woke up, tangled in Niall's arms, I attempted to untangle myself out, but when I attempted Niall's grip became tighter. Damn that cute little leprechaun.

"Niall.. Niall...NIALLL?!" I started to shout his name hoping he would wake up... Sadly he is a deep sleeper. I lay there, trapped in Niall's arms waiting for him to wake up.

Half an hour later.. And Niall was still asleep. I started hearing the boys wake up so I called their names.

"ZAYN, LIAM, HARRY LOUIS?!" I yelled.. Hoping I was loud enough. Soon they all ran in. "YEAHH?!" they chorused looking at me.

"Can you help me? Niall won't let go of me and I wanna get up.." I said. The boys went into fits of laughter. Before Zayn, Liam and Harry went out the room, still laughing. When I'm awake, I shall kill them.

"Louis....." I trailed on. He looked up.

"Where did they go?" Louis asked referring to the boys.

"they left you.. Now help me out, you are my big brother." I said pouting.

Louis nodded then came over, he can't resist meh. He tried to lift Niall's arm but his arm went tighter around me, oh my.

"NIALL WAKE UP ALL THE FOODS GONE!!!!!" Louis yelled smirking. Niall loosened his grip around me and shot straight up.

"WHAA-?? WHAT HAPPENED ARGGH NO FOOD!!" Niall yelled. Me and Louis started laughing and rolling on the floor, this referring to rofl. Niall looked puzzled.


"NIALL WAKE UP ALL THE FOODS GONE!!!!!" someone yelled. As soon as I heard these words my head shot up. No food? What?! I quickly shouted.

"WHAA-?? WHAT HAPPENED NO FOOD?!" I yelled worried. Tessa and Louis started rolling on the floor laughing, I was s confused. Louis and Tessa's laughs are so alike, except Tessa's was cuter.

"Awh, babe don't worry, Louis was just helping me get out from being trapped in your arms." Tessa said standing up and straightening her pajamas.. Louis stood up and smiled at me.

"Well anyways.. Guys I'm gonna get ready, what are we doing today?" Tessa asked grabbing her crutches and going over to the bathroom.

"Nowhere, the boys are all going out but I'm staying here to bond with my girlfriend." I said grinning. Tessa smiled, nodded then went to the bathroom.

"Tomorrow, she's mine, we need some sister brother bonding time." Louis said laughing. I frowned then nodded, if I wanted to stay in a relationship with a girl, you need a good bond with their family.


As I brushed my teeth my phone blinked, a message from him.

* Hey babe, I see ur on crutches, it means you can't run. - Greg Xox *

A surge of anger and worry bubbled through me. As long as I stay with one of the boys I'm fine. I thought. I quickly finished then walked out to see Niall on twitter. He looked up when he heard me coming in. He smiled then frowned again.

"What's wrong?!" I said even more worried.. Does he know?


Tessa walked back in, phone in hand even though she was on crutches. I smiled, looking up at her but then I saw her eyes, they were flickering between black and dark brown, anger and sad? Why?

"What's wrong?!" she asked.. I didn't know what to say..

"No, the question is what's wrong with you?" I asked.

Tessa muttered something... I managed to hear one word she said, one of the words I despised. 'Greg'

"Woah.. Slow down and tell me.. I, your boyfriend trust me." I said looking into her eyes as she told me the whole story.. Tessa gave me her phone and I read the text.. This just made me feel more protective over Tessa. Nobody is going to take her, no matter what.

I got ready and then I lifted her downstairs without bringing her crutches, this is going to be fun.

"Niall let me go!" Tessa shouted laughing. I laughed replying with a simple "no" she laughed at me as I bring her downstairs. Everyone was out now, probably shopping or something. It was now 1pm so we didn't have much of the day left. I popped some popcorn and we watched movies for the rest of the night. Ignoring the fact Greg and Tessa's dad are out there, looking for her.


Oh my gaawd I have writers block..


search her up it's really sad :(

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~ Chamrock Jack 🍀 xox

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