Chapter 25 - Arriving in Canada

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"Tessa I'm sorry, it's just not right"

"Niall please!!"

Niall let go of my hands and left me in a ditch, how could he? Tears streamed down my face, why ? How could he?


My eyes opened, phew just a dream. My eyesight was blurry, I had been crying.

"Are you ok?" an Irish voice said coming near me, I look down to see Niall on the floor.

"Yeah I'm fine, why are you here?" I said laughing.

"Oh the nurse said you can come out as soon as you're awake, you might feel slight pains but you should be fine." he said smiling. I slowly brung my leg to the side of the bed and stepped off, shots of pain sprang up my leg making them feel heavy. I squealed abit and fell back landing in muscular arms, Niall's. I smiled u at him and thanked him. As I got used to standing up, we walked back to our seats hand in hand.

When the boys saw us they smiled to see I was ok, I smiled back and sat down strapping my seatbelt, safety is always first. For the rest or the journey Niall kept smiling to me and making cheesy comments, I felt safe with him, like nothing can happen...



Said the flight attendant person. I squeezed Niall's hand tightly, we're going to America! This was my first time in a plane, yet I feel excited! There was an 8 hour time difference. So in the UK it's 6am when in America it is now 2pm. We were at Canada first, the place where Justin Bieber is from, according to Niall. The plane landed as we quickly scurried off, my hands tightly on Niall. Niall promised he would by me for most of the journey, he didn't want to leave me. We went past the airport and straight to the hotel, the security was getting the luggage to save the hustle. Niall led me to the limo and opened the door for me, I smiled at him and walked in sitting down by the window, Niall followed and sat next to me and then the boys, Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie. This was going to be the first and best holiday ever!


I know this is crappy but I gotta do my homework and I decided to do this first.

I'll try and make the next chapter better.

Twitter- Directioner_Tes 

instagram- onedirectinlhzln

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It's my boy DIRECTIONER friend!!


loveyou all!

~Chamrock Jack 🍀 Xox

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