Chapter 13 - Chased by Directioners

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I woke up with a huge grin on my face, Tessa. I ran into her room to see she was still asleep, so was everyone else.. What time is it? I looked over on Tessa's phone and it said 5am, way to play it cool Niall. I lay down onto Tessa's bed and her arms automatically looped around me. I smiled as I fell asleep.



I woke up sun shining, seriously need some new blinds. I sat up but fell back again, what was that? I wondered. I looked across and saw Niall, awake, staring at me.

"NIALL!! How long have you been here staring at me?!" I said, shocked.

"I've been here since 5am and staring at you since 8am" Niall said his morning voice, seducing me.

"Paedo much?" I said smirking at him as he blushed a bright red.

"I think more of a boyfriend," Niall said grinning.

I tried to think of a good comeback but I couldn't think of anything. Niall grinned even more.

"At least we're together," I said pecking him on the lips and snuggling into his chest.


"At least we're together," Tessa said snuggling into my chest. I felt warm and relaxed until..

"HEY TES.... NIALL HOW DID YOU GET THERE!?!?! YOU BETTER OF NOT SNUCK HERE WHEN YOU WERE GROUNDED!!!" Louis yelled running into the room. Seconds later the other boys ran in, finding out what the yelling was about.

"I came here at 5am Lou, chillax." I said smiling.


"Scream anymore and my fuckin' ear drums are gonna burst!" Tessa shouted covering her ears.

"Language Miss Tomlinson!" Harry said laughing.

"It's ok," I said kissing the top of her head.

"Eww, guys save it for later," Liam said, face with disgust.

Tessa smirked and looked up and kissed me on the lips.

"Any better?" She said laughing at Liam's 'bleurgh' face.



About half an hour later we were finally at the shopping centre. We didn't split up this time and just went through the shops, looking around. Tessa and Niall hand-in-hand, Louis and me talking about Perrie and Eleanor, Liam and Harry looking around. We were just about to go into a phone shop for Tessa's new phone when suddenly loud screams were heard. We looked behind and there were thousands of directioners running this way. I cursed under my breath before shouting.

"RUN!" We all ran everywhere trying to hide, Liam and me were safe, we ran into the men's toilets. I wonder where the others were?


"RUN!" Zayn shouted as thousands of girls chased us, Niall started running holding tightly onto my hand, but I wasn't a good runner in wedges. I ran and ran until 'KKKK' "Shit.." I said as tears ran down my face, I looked down at my ankle as purple lumps appeared.

"TESSA!" Niall yelled, picking me up bridal style and running to the men's toilets, awkward .. Zayn and Liam were there surprised at seeing Niall carrying me.

"What happened!" Liam said looking at me as tears ran down my face.

"I don't know!" I said, crying more. You know when people ask you why your crying and it makes your cry more? Yeah that's what happened.

"It's going to be ok, don't worry." Niall said holding onto me tighter.


"LOUIS WHERE DO WE GO?!?!" I screamed at Lou as thousands of girls chased after us, 2 against 1000 ? Unfair right?

"HERE!" Louis yelled grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the men's room, luckily Niall, Zayn, Liam and Tessa were here. Wait Tessa? In the mens room? Weird...

I looked over at Tessa and noticed she was crying in Niall's arms, Niall held her bridal style as Zayn and Liam took of her shoe..

"Lads, I think Tessa sprained her ankle." Liam said looking up.

"Com'on let's bring you to the hospital," Niall said kissing Tessa on the cheek, Louis and me looked outside and there were still thousands of girls surrounding the door, waiting for us to come out.

"No chance guys, the girls are surrounding the door." I muttered.

"This is an emergency! What if her foot falls off! What will happen then!" Niall shouted a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Why are you crying babe? Don't worry my foots fine, just a bit sore." Tessa said reassuring Niall. Niall smiled weakly before handing Tessa to me.

"Don't let go. Be careful." Niall said sternly looking into my eyes. His eyes were no longer sky blue, they were dark and worried.

"Don't worry mate, I won't let go." I said smiling at him before looking down at Tessa saying "How are you doing down there" Tessa giggled before making a short reply.

Niall quickly got out his phone and texted someone, maybe Paul.


I handed Tessa to Harry making sure Harry wouldn't drop her. I checked before I let go of Tessa and quickly got out my phone.

*Paul, were stuck in the male loos at the shopping centre, come quick. Tessa injured her foot. - Nialler x*

I quickly clicked send and put my phone back into my pocket, I glanced outside and saw he thousands of fans duplicating, there must be a million out there now. I love them, but sometimes they just got annoying if ya know what I mean? Argh Niall stop talking to yourself, be a man. Don't worry. Ok.


I watched as Niall quickly tapped in a message and sent it, he glanced out the window then was suddenly deep in thought, I decided not to bug him. Minutes later we heard loud screams and the door opened. Paul stood there smiling at us then frowned when he saw Tessa's foot.

"Right lads, someone grab Tessa's shoe." He said pointing at the shoe on the floor then continued saying "Hurry up, security should be here any minute, the cars outside, we have to hurry!!" We quickly got ready, not wasting a minute. I quickly grabbed Tessa's shoe on the floor before we all quickly walked out the shopping centre. By now Niall was carrying Tessa and she had stopped crying, Niall was whispering things to her. I dunno what he said but whatever he said, it made Tessa smile.

We walked into the car carefully placing Tessa in the car as she strapped her seatbelt, we all quickly got in, and Paul drove off.


Omg sorry late update! Thankyou for reading!

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~Chamrock Jack xox

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