Chapter 14 - News at the Hospital

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"How long does it take to check a bloody foot!" I curse, pacing around in the waiting room. 

"Dude, you need to chill. Tessa's fine." Harry tells me, placing his hand on my shoulder. I try to smile at him but fail, sitting down beside him and shaking my knee. I hated hospitals, the smell of sanitisers and watching the nurses running around. People died here and that frightened me the most.

"May I speak to Mr Louis Tomlinson please." A nurse smiles at us, her tired features telling us she had spent many hours here.

I watch as Louis stands up, following her out the room.


I walked over following a nurse into an office type thing.

"Hello mr Tomlinson." The nurse greeted, her tag informing me her name was Sally.

"Hi, what did you want to talk to me about?" I ask curiously, was this about Tessa?

"Well, as Tessa is in hospital we checked through her files for relatives and your name seemed to pop up." Sally smiled

"Are you sure? I think you have the wrong name.." I say, Tessa had only her dad...

"Are you Louis William Tomlinson." Sally read off of her clipboard, pursing her lips.

"Y-yes." I stuttered, I know what's coming next.

"Louis, you're Tessa's brother." Sally said before everything blacked out.


We were all waiting in the waiting room wondering why it took so long for Louis to return. Suddenly nurses rushed by with Louis in a bed, his eyes were shut and he was pale.

"Lou!" I shouted running out, following the bed. The boys ran after me shouting at me, wondering what I saw. When I got to the room, a nurse was checking his pulse, she smiled at me then said "Louis is fine, he just passed out after some news, he'll wake up in a bit." before I could ask what news, she rushed off.



My eyes fluttered open as I looked around. The boys were crowded round me with worried faces.

"Hey guys what's up?" I smile, confused by their worried expressions.

Harry frowned before saying "Lou you ok? The nurse told you some news and you fainted.."

I looked at him for a minute before remembering everything; Tessa.

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