Chapter 30 - We Never Broke Up

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Shit shit shit shit... Phew, it wasn't Greg. It was Niall. He looked at me sat on the floor, hugging my knees and ran over.

"Ohmygod Tessa! Are you ok?" he said hugging me. I don't care that I hate him I just needed a hug. I hugged him tightly crying into his chest.

"Now tell me what happened?" he said wiping my tears away with his thumb. I couldn't tell him. I didn't find the words to say it. So instead I showed him my phone.

"Don't worry, as I've said before.. I'll protect you." he said kissing the top of my head. I'm surprised he even cared.

"No you won't! You'll hurt me again if I take you back! I'd rather be single then be heart broken!" I shouted.


I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I would never hurt her, not for money, not for fame, not for food. Nothing.


"Just leave me alone!" Tessa sobbed pushing me away. I felt a tear run down my cheek. I ran out before more fell out, I don't want to cry in front of her. I ran down the corridors but then I crashed into someone.

"Niall.. Why are you crying? What happened? What did you do?" Louis said firing questions at me.

"Te-Tessa she said she would not take me back, and that I'd hurt her again. But I didn't even hurt her the first time? Did I? I dunno what to do help me Louis." I said feeling a waterfall forming in my eyes. My eyes were blurry and I couldn't see.

"Stay here, I'll have a talk with her." Louis said smiling then walked off. I stayed with Eleanor who was trying to comfort me.


Seeing Niall cry is horrible. He's usually some carefree mofo, always there for a laugh. So seeing him crying is like.. Angels crying. I jogged over to the dressing room to see Tessa was on the floor crying. I went over and unlocked the handcuff, leaving it in the pole. She grabbed me and hugged me tightly.

"Louis, what am I going to do with life?!" she sobbed crying into my chest.

"Tessa, shush, now why did you make Niall cry? He's really upset cos you won't take him back, I know I sound like a shit brother but your being blind and stupid, Niall loves you,and without you he's nothing. Have you not noticed he's been acting different? Not as hungry? Come on give'em a chance." I smile. Tessa looked up.

"He's crying?" she asked wiping the tears out her eyes.

"Yeah.." I say looking down.

"Ohmygod what did I do?" she cries another tear spilling out her eye. I wiped it away as she smiled.

"be right back!" she exclaimed running out the room.

She better be doing the right thing...


What have I done? I've made the one and only Niall Horan crying? I should just die in a hole... What has life even become? I ran down the many corridors until I heard talking.

"Don't worry Niall, it's going to be ok.. Stop crying.." I heard. I ran to the voice to see Eleanor comforting Niall. I walked in.

"El, can I talk to Niall alone?" I asked smiling. She nodded and ran out. Niall looked up at me.

"Tessa before you go ranting on I'm sorry for whatev-"

"Niall why are you apologising? It was my fault ok? I told you to leave me alone, I made something little make us have a fight. Just promise me we won't argue again?" I ask feeling my waterline dampen.

"Yeah.. Does that mean your going back out with me?" he said, eyes shining.

I smashed my lips on him and we stayed there for a while, like those sappy movies.

"We never broke up." I whispered finally pulling away. Niall smiled and entwined his hands in mine bringing me somewhere.

We got to the dressing room, with everyone chatting, they all stopped when we came in. The looked at our faces them down to our hands.

"Are you-"

"Yes" Niall interrupted smiling, I laughed at Harry's face for being interrupted.

"Let's go home," Zayn said smiling. We all went out into the limo going back to the hotel.


I'm sorry if you hate my story, I can stop it if you want?


Loveyou all..

~ Chamrock Jack 🍀 xox

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