Chapter 32 - Torture

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I woke up feeling drowsy, I went to stretch my arms when, I can't move them. I looked down to see they're handcuffed behind me and my legs were tied onto a chair. I looked across to see Niall still asleep. He looked so peaceful. I watched as his eyes fluttered open.

"Hi.." he yawned.

"Where are we?" I asked. Niall shrugged. We were surrounded by walls, it was a small room the wallpaper was falling off the walls and there were two dirty beds. We were tied on wooden chairs that looked like they were going to break. The door opened.

Greg and some other guy came in, Dad wasn't there.

"Guys. Meet James. My friend, who's gay." Greg said smiling sadistically. Niall and I mumbled a hello. Greg slapped me across the cheek.

"What the fuck!" I screamed feeling the burning pain take over my cheek.

"tut tut tut don't cuss." Greg grins slapping my other cheek. I felt my cheeks burn red with the impact.

"Stop it!" Niall shouted. James went over to Niall and smiled. He got something out of his pocket. Duct tape. He taped across Niall's mouth and smirked.

"That will keep ya mouth shut." he laughed. He has a thick American accent.

"Hmmp mmeh" Niall said still attempting to speak.

"Shut up!" Greg said going over to Niall and slapping him.

"STOP IT!" I screamed. James came over and also duct taped me. Greg came over to me and sat on me his feet either hip so he was facing me. He placed his lips onto the duct tape placing his hands on the back of my head pulling me into the kiss. I am so glad the tape is there acting like a boundary. I still felt disgusted though.

James did the same to Niall, Niall squirmed to avoid James but it didn't work. I tried to squirm as well but Greg held me still. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, this must be a dream. It has to. It's bringing back all those horrible nightmares I had as a child, but now I've pulled Niall into this.

Greg and James left. I looked over at Niall. He looked mad. I was devastated. I didn't want him to be in this mess. I tried to get out the tight ropes. It was no use. I kept wiggling a squirming until. CRASH!

The chair broke. I lay there limp on the floor. Ouch. Niall looked concerned. Greg ran into the room.

"What The fuck is going on!" he shouted.

"I wied gtoo jzgw kna" I tried, talking gibberish. Greg came over and ripped the tape of my mouth. I screamed.

"Shuddup!" he hissed.

"Let me go, I want Niall not you." I said crying.


I was mad. Not because some gay man likes kissing me, it's because I have to watch MY girlfriend being kissed by some guy I hate. Once I get my hands on him.. Ohh he's gonna get it.

"Let me go. I want Niall not you." Tessa hiccuped. crying. I wanted her too.

"Well he doesn't want you, he never wanted you." Greg said. I watched as tears ran down her cheek. I wiggled on my seat. CRASH! My chair fell. Shit..

"What the actual fuck!" Greg said coming over to me. He kicked me in the stomach, I felt the pain quickly yelping in pain.

"Niall!" Tessa yelled. I shut my eyes wincing in pain.

"Shut up Tessa, you love me not him."

"I love Niall more, leave him alone!"

"Prove to me that you love him!"

"Why wouldn't I? His golden locks how they fade to brown, his blue eys hypnotise me whenever I look, his toned abs and his amazing sense of fashion. His personality is the best, he's so caring and lovely and I can't I've without him!"

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. That speech was beautiful.

"Well?! Have you had sex with him??!?!" Greg said but a bit harshly.

"No.. I've seen him naked though" Tessa said a bit quietly.

"What? He stripped in front of you? That man - whore!" Greg said turning back to glare at me. I just lay there unable to do anything but listen.

"No! He's seen me naked before. We had to shower together."

"You little slut! If Niall's seen you naked I deserve to!!" Greg shouted storming out.

"I am so so so so sooo sorry Niall!" Tessa apologised looking at me. I tried to smile but the duct tape was being a bitch, so I nodded hoping Tessa got the message.

Greg soon came back in holding a knife. Oh no.

"Now Tessa, be a good little girl and no harm will be done." Greg said smirking. Tessa nodded, her eyes full of fright. I wanted to stand up and beat up Greg. But these knots are impossible...

Greg went over to Tessa, still holding the little pocket knife. He slowly slipped the knife down Tessa's clothes so you could see her bra.

"Greg.. Please stop! You don't have to do this!" Tessa shouted fresh tears forming.

"Oh but I do" Greg said winking. He slid the knife down Tessa's leggings so you could see her knickers. Tessa shut her eyes.


I felt cold air hit my skin as Greg cut my clothes off. How could he? I couldn't move about, I don't want to get cut.

"So beautiful." Greg muttered his hand feeling up my body. I wanted to be sick.

"Seriously Greg fuck off. You cunt!" Niall screamed. I opened my eyes to see Niall also crying, how did he manage to get the tape off?

"Will you just shut up... JAMES!! JAMES!! COME 'ERE!!" Greg shouted. Niall looked scared.

James came running in. Greg passed him the knife. James smirked and started stripping down Niall then feeling him as well.

"Do anything you want with the lad, he's pissing me off!" Greg said smiling.

"Stop paying attention to Niall. Look at me." Greg said in a sickly sweet voice. I shut my eyes tightly again. This must be a dream.. It has to be...


This chapter.. Is quite disturbing... Hmm..

Don't like talking about naked stuff and sex, it's a bit weird.. Ahaha.. So I got one of my Internet friends too write this...

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Loveyou all!

~ Chamrock Jack 🍀 Xox

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