Chapter 16 - Sister Brother Bonding

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I woke up to see my arms were still around Tessa. This could be fun, I thought closing my eyes, pretending I was asleep... Hopefully Tessa won't know what I'm like when I'm asleep.


I woke up to see Niall asleep.. He didn't look asleep. His arms were tightly wrapped around me, his eyes were shut, his mouth was closed. That's different.. Usually his mouth is slightly opened. Not that I stare at him sleep or anything Pfffffttt.

- Stop being sarcastic you sound stupid

Pffft No I don't

- You did it again..

Omg why am I discussing this with myself,

-Cuz your stupid

As if I speak to myself aahahaa.. I don't think Niall is asleep..

- He obviously is awake stupid!

Oh, she's back .. I have to stop this..

-You can't stop yourself.

EURGH!!! "Niall? I know your awake.." I said poking his cheek. He didn 't react.. But I know he's asleep. I decided to leave him there, fake sleeping. I untangled myself quickly this time his grip didn't tighten.. I sat up but an arm grabbed me down so I was lying down again, I let out a small squeal. Niall's laugh was heard.

"I told you you're awake!" I said laughing.

"Who said I wasn't?" Niall said with his sexy morning voice.

"You didn't reply me so I'm going to ignore you now." I said laughing then pretending to zip my lip.

"Don't ignore me!" Niall said shaking me. I smiled but didn't say anything.


"Don't ignore me!" I said shaking Tessa, she smiled but didn't say anything. Oh God.

"Tessaaaaa.." I trailed on

"Hey Tessa..."


"Talk to me!"

"Oh my god, I love you ya know!"

I started thinking what to say then decided not to say anything... I looked into her beautiful brown eyes then smashed my lips against hers. Our lips were like jigsaw pieces, they fit perfectly. At first Tessa looked at me wide-eyed then started kissing me back, letting out lips move in snyc.

"Hey guuu- PDA PDA WARN ME WHEN YOU DO THAT!" Tessa suddenly moved away and stared at the doorway I also did the same.


I woke up today and got ready, I was having my bonding day with Tessa today, Sister Brother Bonding. The boys are going out to distract Niall with food because he is very protective over Tessa which I appreciate a lot, I am also protective over Tessa, so if Niall ever hurts her, I will hurt him. Sorry but family BEFORE friends. But I doubt he will ever hurt her, you can tell that he loves her.

I gladly walked into Tessa's room to see her snogging Niall.

"Hey guuu- PDA PDA WARN ME WHEN YOU DO THAT!"I screamed Tessa and Niall quickly moved apart and looked at me, there cheeks flushed bright red. I laughed to myself... 

"Guys get up and start snogging already.. It's 11am yet your still in bed go get ready! Tessa we're having sister-brother bonding day today! And Niall, the boys are bringing you to Nandos." I said happily. 

"NANDOS!" Niall shouted running into the bathroom to get changed and ready. Tessa and me laughed at him as I went over to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Helloo sis!" I said happily

"Hey Lou!" She said crawling over and hugging me tightly. I hugged her even more tighter.

"Lou, bones, crushing, stop," Tessa said gasping for air. I laughed before letting go.

"Soo when can I get this stupid thing off?" Tessa asked pointing to her cast. 

"Errm, in a few weeks" I said smiling.

Tessa was about to reply when Niall came back.

"Tessa the bathroom is all yours!!" Niall said smiling walking over to the side of the bed. He got the two crutches and handed them to Tessa, Tessa thanked him and went over to the bathroom.

"Why do you share bathrooms? There is a bathroom in Niall's room you know?" I said laughing. 

"I like this room." Niall said frowning,

"Niall the rooms are the same." I said smirking.

"No they're not! This is Tessa's room and that one is mine!" Niall said raising his voice.

"Calm down! ok..!!!" I said raising my hands up in defeat. Tessa laughed then went into the bathroom to get ready..


5 Minutes later Tessa was finally done. She wore loose joggings and a tank top, her hair was scooped into a messy bun. I smiled at her before she came and sat on the bed with Niall and me.


About 1 minute later Liam, Zayn and Harry came in shouting "Come on Niall Nandos is waiting!"  I laughed as Niall stood up smiling.  As he started walking off I frowned then said 

"Forgetting something.." Niall turned round and quickly ran over hugging me the he quickly kissed me, letting his tongue explore my mouth for a bit then pulled away looking into my eyes.. 

"Mmm minty." He said smiling, I felt my blood rise up to my cheeks. Niall gave me another quick hug whispering "Have fun" Before going back to the door. I smiled back and whispered "You too." 

"eww gross guys!!" Harry said laughing. Niall and I blushed before the boys left leaving Louis and me sat there.

"Ew, watching your sister getting mushy with your best mate, isn't good to watch." Louis said frowning, shaking his head. I laughed then said

"Soo.. plans for today?" 

"Just talk and get to know each other  I guess.." Louis said shrugging.his shoulders, I grabbed my crutches as we slowly went down the stairs. I grabbed a breakfast bar and then Louis and I plopped ourselves on the sofa and started talking. 

"So who looked after you before you baby sat us?" Louis said smiling. I froze, Louis didn't know about him. I had to tell him, it was about to come out anyway..

"Well, I-i-i-i-i lived with my so called dad.. he was an alcoholic and he beated me till I was bleeding every night.. But sometimes I hid in the shed to be safe, but my now ex boyfriend used to find me there and force me to kiss him or some other sick stuff, I was too afraid to run away but as soon as I reached 18 I decided to have a job so i could move away, so I advertised some flyers out and about and here I am now.." I said wiping all the tears off of my face. Louis looked at my sympathetically and said 

"Don't cry.. Mum really didn't mean to put you into adoption, she just didn't know what to do at the time because we were poor and because you were young she didn't think you would find us again, But I guess we did.." Louis looked down as a tear rolled down his cheek. I'm guessing he had called home recently. 

"Don't cry, Lou, it ain't your fault, it's nobodies.. and Greg.. my ex boyfriend still says we are going out. and he has been working with my dad lately, they're planning on getting me back." I said almost shouting as more tears fell down my cheek. Louis hugged me and cradled me in his arms until I stopped crying. We decided that we had spoke enough and watched a movive for the rest of the night.


Boring chapter.. sorry!

 Next chapter is a twitcam :) STAY TUNED

Next chapter is going to be like a few weeks later.. I'll explain then..

It's 1:10 am when i updated...

Loveyou All!

~ Chamrock Jack Xox 

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