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"Get the fuck up." Calum yelled. He had a gun to the boy's head. He didn't want to use it but he knew it was most likely a possibility. His face was bloody and his nose was broken. He could hardly stand on his own after Calum fucked him up for a good 10 minutes. Calum kicked the boy in the face before grabbing him and pinning him against the wall.

"Where is she? I know you know where she is, just fucking tell me and I'll let you live." Calum said. The boy could barely speak, he was spitting up blood every time he opened his mouth. "Please, I just want my fiancé back, I'm begging you." Calum said.

"I-I can't. H-He'll kill m-me." The boy said. Calum sighed before letting him go. "No he won't." Calum said.

"He won't?" Calum shot the boy in the head, no question. Him and every one of Tyler's boys. He was walking for what seemed like forever, until he heard a faint voice. "P-Please leave m-me alone. I p-promise I w-won't tell a-anyone." Ariana said.

"I can't do that princess, your boyfriend embarrassed me in front of thousands of people. He took the one thing that mattered most to me, so it's only fair that I take the one thing that matters most to him." Tyler said.

Calum kicked the door open and saw Ariana tied up on the floor. She looked so sick, her body so fragile and covered in bruises. "Cal." She called out. "Leave her alone Tyler, this isn't about her." Calum begged. Tyler held a gun to Ariana's head, and she couldn't help but let out a sob. "Don't you fucking dare." Two men came up and grabbed Calum, pinning him to the wall harshly.

"Just let her go Tyler." Calum shouted. "Give me one good reason why?" Tyler smirked. "I'll turn myself in to you." Calum said. "No, Cal don't." Tyler grabbed Ariana by her hair and pulled her head back. "Shut the fuck up bitch." He said. "You let her go, you can do whatever you want to me. Just let her go."

Ariana Grande as herself

Ariana Grande as herself

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Calum Hood as himself

Ashton Irwin as himself

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Ashton Irwin as himself

Ashton Irwin as himself

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