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Ariana felt like she was living in a dream

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Ariana felt like she was living in a dream. It had only been a couple days since she and Calum started talking, but it was nonstop. Everytime one of them had free time, they'd be texting the other. "I still can't believe your talking to this man." Meredith said. Ariana also convinced Meredith to forgive her and try her best to accept her new relationship.

"Oh god Mere, it's been the best. I'm going to stay over his apartment this weekend and I can't wait. It's just gonna be me and him for 3 whole days, alone. He said he wants to take me to some of his favorite spots on the South side." Ariana said. "Just take care of yourself alright. You don't know what this man is capable of." Meredith said.

"He's not a bad guy Meredith. He saved me when that shoot out happened." Ariana said. "You don't even know what he does for a job, yet he has the luxury ass apartment? Sounds shady to me." Ariana rolled her eyes as she began to pack her bag for the weekend.

"Evening ladies," Tyler said. "What do you want now Ty?" Meredith asked. "Don't you remember, you two are supposed to be coming to my fight today." He said. "Shit, we totally forgot." Meredith said. "I didn't, I've been waiting to go all day." Ariana said. "I thought you were waiting to talk to Calum all day?" Meredith said, crossing her arms over her chest. "I can multi task, now stop having an attitude and let's go."

Meredith just stormed out of the room, not wanting to deal with either her best friend or her brother.
"So, you and Calum huh?" Tyler asked. "I don't wanna say too much, but the past couple of days have been amazing. He's so funny, so down to earth, and he cares about me so much. I don't know what I would've done if he wasn't there with me during the shooting." Ariana said.

"Maybe I should check this guy, see if he's boyfriend material." Tyler teased. "You're gonna love him Ty, I think you two would be great friends." Tyler just smirked as he wrapped his arm around Ariana's shoulder and headed to the arena.


Calum had officially gotten his groove back. He won his fight this week by a landslide, and was working so well in training that Ashton was officially off his ass. Not to mention Ariana was constantly on his mind, and in the best way possible. He was so excited to spend the weekend with her and just be in her presence. But he was also nervous about many things.

Nervous about having these crazy feelings for a girl he'd just met, nervous that he'd mess it up in an instant. Never did Calum ever think that he'd be falling so hard for a North side girl, let alone a girl like Ariana. She wasn't the typical girl for him, and maybe that's why he liked her so much, and getting to know her over the past couple days wasn't helping his already head over heels crush on the girl.

"So, did you fuck her?" Ashton asked. "Did I fuck who?" Calum said. They'd just finished another training, and were in the locker room packing up for the day. "The girl dumbass? You've been giddy all day, but it hasn't been messing with your training. So, did you fuck her? Was it loud? Did her ex boyfriend hear you raw dog her through the wall?" Calum didn't know how to respond to his best friends comments.

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