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"So you two haven't had sex yet?" Meredith asked

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"So you two haven't had sex yet?" Meredith asked. Ariana groaned as they sat down to enjoy their lunch. "No, we just talked and cuddled all weekend." Ariana said sadly. "Wow, he really likes you. You and Luke had sex like, the first night." Meredith teased. Ariana rolled her eyes as she ate her fruit. "I feel like he's just waiting for something, but what is it? I want to fuck him so bad. He's so unbelievably hot Meredith. He was cooking me breakfast Saturday with his shirt off, and I swear I was wet the entire day."

"Dude, I'm trying to eat." Both of the girls bursted into laughter. "I don't know, maybe he wants to do something romantic." Meredith said. "Maybe we'll do it on my birthday. We can sneak away for thirty minutes from my parents right?" Ariana joked. "I don't know maybe." As the girls continued to eat, they noticed a swarm of people going to the tv.

"What do you think that's about?" Meredith asked. "I don't know, probably another Kardashian scandal." Ariana giggled.

"Those poor boys, lost their lives over a gang war." A girl said. Ariana's interest peaked the minute she heard gang war. "The South Side is being torn apart, it's not fucking fair." Another girl said. Ariana got up and pushed past the crowd of people to look at the tv.

"Today is such a tragic day in the community. 4 young men, all under the age of 17 committed suicide in a bombing at the Old Yeller Gymnasium, as well two older men, identified as Calum Hood and Ashton Irwin, who were in the gym at the time of the bombing, and were blasted out into the street."

"Oh my god." Ariana said. "Come on, I'll drive you to the hospital." Meredith said. The girls rushed outside and into Meredith's car and headed to the South Side, Meredith held onto Ariana's hand as tears fell. "Please let him be okay...please let him be okay..."


Calum's eyes slowly opened. He felt so distorted as he looked around. It was hard to maneuver his head, everything was in pain. He looked down to see bruising all over his body, and his arm in a cast. He looked over to see if he could find Ashton but he didn't see the blonde man anywhere. He let his head hit the pillow in defeat. He was stuck, he couldn't do anything.

"Please I just need to see my boyfriend." He could recognize that sweet voice anywhere. "Ma'am, I don't even know why the nurse told you he was up here, but you can't see Mr. Hood right now. You're not family and he is in critical condition right now." The doctor said. Calum wanted to get up, he wanted to scream for Ariana's attention, but he couldn't open his mouth to speak.

"He doesn't have any family, I just want to make sure he's alright, please." Ariana said. "Fine, only you. Your friend will have to wait." Ariana rushed inside and almost broke down at the sight of Calum.
"Cal..." Ariana sobbed. Calum opened his eyes and was astonished at the sight of his girlfriend.
"Ari." Calum's voice barely came out as a whisper. He managed to fight through the pain as he moved over so Ariana had room to lay with him.

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