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"I'm sick of your shit Calum

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"I'm sick of your shit Calum." Mia said. She was throwing piles and piles of clothes into a suitcase.
"I'm doing this for us, for our family." Calum exclaimed. "No, you're doing this for you. You want this fucking status of the Viper King." Mia exclaimed. "That's not what I want." Calum said.

"I want us to be stable. We have money, we have a house, we used to be at fucking rock bottom, living in a shitty ass apartment in the south side, with barely enough to feed ourselves. Now look at us, we have everything. Our daughter is gonna be able to grow up with so much more than us."

"And without her dad, because he's off shooting people left and right for fucking sport." Mia said.
Calum sighed before taking Mia's hands in his. She tried to pull away, but eventually let Calum hold her. "I know you're trying to give Ava more. I know you're trying to give me more, but even when we had nothing, we still had each other. All of this, will mean nothing if you end up dead on a corner somewhere."

"I know baby...I'm sorry." Calum said. "Promise me, you'll let this go okay? I just want you home with me, raising your baby." Calum just pecked Mia's lips and held her in his arms. "I promise."

Calum looked at the picture of Mia he had tapped in his locker. She was in the hospital, holding their daughter. Calum let his hand run across it before shutting his locker and heading out to his fight.
The crowds in underground boxing weren't that big, which was fine for him, there were never any distractions.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing at 210lbs, ranking number #40 in the world, Calum Thomas Hood." He came for one thing and one thing only, to fight. He walked out with Ashton, and climbed in the ring. "You can take this guy alright, just focus on the fight." Ashton said. Calum put in his mouth guard and stared at his opponent. He was way bigger than Calum weight wise, and covered in way more tattoos.

"I want a clean fight gentlemen. 10 rounds, make it count." The ref said. Calum shook his head as the bumped gloves. Once the bell rang, the two started.

"Come on Calum, finish him." It was the final round. Calum has blood dripping down his face. He was tired and didn't know how much longer he could hold on. His opponent was scratch free, but considering he wasn't as healthy as Calum, he was tired too. Calum's eyes were on the clock, it was ticking down and he didn't have much time left.

"What are you waiting for, knock him out!" Ashton shouted. Calum gave it all he had. Hooks left and right, using all his remaining energy to knock down his competition for the final bell. He won by a thread, which pissed Ashton off the to the fullest.

"You're way too distracted, and I'm getting sick of this." Ashton said. "I won alright, why can't that be enough for you. I'm moving up, just like we want." Calum said. "You barely won this fight Calum. Wherever the fuck your head is, it's messing you up and you need to fix it. There's too much at stake for you. This is all you have, and you're throwing it away for some bitch."

Calum grabbed Ashton by the collar of his shirt and pinned him against the lockers. "Don't, call her that." He threatened. Ashton pushed Calum off of him and scoffed. "My point exactly. Either figure out how to get this chick off your mind, or find a new coach." Ashton threatened. "Why are you acting like this, you're supposed to be my friend." Calum said.

"I am being your friend, and as your friend, you need to get over this girl. She's ruining everything for you and you know it." Ashton didn't say anything else after that, just stormed out of the gym. Calum sighed as he took a shower and headed home. It wasn't like Ashton was wrong.

Calum's infatuation with Ariana was getting worse and worse. Another 2 weeks had went by and this was his second fight he'd barely won. His training sessions were basically Ashton bitching at him and beating his ass out of anger, and all he'd do was sit at the train station to see if he had the courage to go and see her. He didn't have an ounce of it.

Calum looked in the mirror in his bathroom and noticed his bruises. Most of the body blows didn't hurt as much as Ashton's constant face punches. His black eyes had gone down, his face was a mixture of blue and purple. It was nothing he wasn't used to, but he hurt a little considering it was his best friend causing this pain. Even if it was just physical.

Calum changed into some pajamas, took a pain med and went to his bedroom. As he climbed in bed, he noticed something underneath. He assumed it was just a rag Duke had chewed up but then he noticed a strap. He dragged himself out of bed to grab the shirt and realized it was Ariana's tank top shed worn when she stayed over.

Calum held it in his hand like it was the most prized possession he'd ever owned.

Calum looked down at Duke who had his head tilted to the side. "Don't look at me like that, I can't go give this to her. I wouldn't even know where to find her." Calum said. Duke tilted his head to the other side.
"She probably isn't even thinking about me. She probably hates me for what I did." Duke just looked up at his owner, head straight.

"I hate it when you're right. I also can't believe I'm talking to you like you can understand me." Calum put on his shoes, grabbed his phone and keys, tucked the tank top in his pocket and walked to the train station. He wasn't sure if he was going to be able to go through with it. The train passed by at least a dozen times before he finally got on, and headed to the North side.


"Come on Ariana, we're gonna be late." Meredith said. Ariana was hurled up under the covers, refusing to do anything. "I'm not going." She said, face muffled in the pillows. "You have to go, we have a test to take and a paper to turn in." Meredith said.
"I don't care." Ariana said. "Yes you do, you've never missed a test." Meredith climbed back in and pulled the covers back. "He just slammed the door in my face Mere, like it was nothing."

"I know Ari, but maybe it just wasn't meant to be. There's other guys out there, better than Luke and Calum." Meredith said. "Calum was better than Luke." Ariana added. "Clearly he isn't if he didn't even let you explain your side of the story." Meredith said. "I wouldn't have had to explain anything if you would've just let me go to him in the first place." Ariana snapped.

"I was trying to look out for you. Trying to protect you, and clearly I needed to Ari, look at what he's done to you, and he's a complete stranger." Meredith said. "I know...but still. He was special." Ariana said. "I just want you to be happy on your own, without some boy. Focus on you and getting better in your career."

"I'm majoring in Art History, you can't really make a career out of that." The girls both laugh as Ariana pulls herself out of bed. "Well considering you talked that one guy from our class into buying a $14,000 Jackson Pollack painting, I think you have a career ahead of you." Meredith said. "Stop trying to kiss my ass, it's not gonna work." Ariana teased. "Get up and get ready, we have shit to do."

Ariana dragged herself out of bed and headed to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror and grimaced at her tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes and swollen lips.

Ariana knew at that she couldn't be sad over Calum forever. There's no point in crying over something you've never had. She sighed as she began to get herself ready for the day.

She wore a long sleeve graphic t-shirt, jeans and black booties. She wore her hair in a slicked back ponytail to the side and did natural makeup, just incase she decided she wanted to cry and wouldn't have to worry about it getting ruined too much. "Come on Ari, we have 15 minutes." Meredith called. Ariana grabbed her backpack and phone and headed out the door.

"Awe, you look so cute." Meredith said. "Might as well look cute for someone." Meredith mentally groaned and rolled her eyes as she pulled out of her driveway and headed to school. "You're gonna get through this Ari, you'll get over him." Meredith said.
Ariana didn't say anything, just let her head rest against the car window. She closed her eyes and just breathed, trying her best to calm herself down.

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