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Calum was putting the finishing touches on his outfit

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Calum was putting the finishing touches on his outfit. He wasn't a suit and tie kind of man, but he did have a suit and dress pants. He wore a muscle t-shirt underneath, layering on his favorite chains and wore his old dress shoes. He sprayed on his favorite cologne and checked himself out in the mirror once more. He couldn't but think about the man he'd encountered yesterday.

Eventually, after going to see Malcolm, he remembered who the man was.

"How the fuck did you not realize who that was?" Malcolm asked. "I wasn't thinking about it, I was to busy worried about the shit ton of guns pointed at me." Calum said. Malcolm paced around the room, pulling his hair out at the thought. "Okay, so he knows you. How the fuck does he know you?" Malcolm asked.

"I don't fucking know. What if he comes after Ari." Calum mumbled. "Your girl is the least of our problems, the fact that he knows you, means something's up on the North side. I've got some guys looking in on it but, they're nowhere near close to finding anything. This, could ruin everything, be the end of the South side."

"What are we gonna do?" Calum asked. Malcolm pondered on the thought before it hit him.

"You need to find him."

"Are you crazy? That man has connections, more than we thought. I'm not going to find him." Calum exclaimed. "Think about it dumbass. Clearly, you did something to piss him off, or to peak his interest for him to find you. Just do what you've been doing and figure out what it is that's got him all in your business." Malcolm said.

"I don't even know what that is, I've never seen him before other than when he was with Miriam."

"Ask her about him. Maybe she can tell you something."

Calum sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I can't, she's not talking to me. Besides, I couldn't even find her if I wanted to, she's all over the city all at once." Calum said. "Well you need to figure something out. Connect the dots, find clues, do something. We need a win Cal, so far we're loosing."

Calum didn't want to think about that man doing anything to Ariana. He was determined to keep her safe and alive. He grabbed her bag that held her presents, and checked his phone for her text message.

from ari: Can't wait to see you handsome!!!

He smiled at the thought of her. He couldn't wait to see her as well. Nothing was gonna stop him from being at that party.

Ariana was stressed out. She was tearing her room apart looking for the perfect outfit. "Ari, hurry up. The guests are gonna be here soon." Her mother said. "Mom I'm trying. I need to have the perfect dress." The twenty year old cried. "What's so important about a dress?"

"Calum is coming and I want to look good for him." Ariana looked up to find her mother glaring. "If I were you, I'd change that sentence." Her mother being a women's studies professor, didn't help her case. "I want to be presentable for my guests, but I also want my boyfriend to think I look hot." Her mother rolled her eyes.

"Why are you worried about what some man thinks?" Her mother asked. "I'm in love with him mom." Her mom stood there with a blank face. "I've heard this story one two many times before." She said. "Well this time I mean it mom. I really love him, and he loves me." Ariana persisted. "I'll believe it, when I see it. Hurry up and get ready, we don't have all day."

Ariana groaned as she continued to search through her piles and piles of clothes. She decided on going with a red two piece dress with matching heels and wore her hair down. She sprayed on her Chanel perfume and made her way downstairs. There were many people in their house already. Ariana of course greeted them with smile and light conversation. It wasn't until halfway through the drinks that her mother approached her, sitting in the kitchen with the cooks and moping around.

"I believe your special guest has arrived." She said. Ariana quickly jumped out of her seat and fixed herself in the nearby mirror before going to the front door. Calum had parked his car and had roses in his hand as he walked towards the house. Ariana couldn't even wait for him to reach the steps. She ran as fast as she could until she was engulfed in his arms and spun around.

"You made it." Ariana squealed. "I kind of had to since I ruined your actual birthday with being in the hospital." Calum teased. Ariana pulled away and pecked his lips. "You look gorgeous princess." Calum said. "You don't look so bad yourself. You never told me how good you looked in a suit." Ariana said.

Calum just smirked as he handed her the roses and gift bag. "You got me a present?" Ariana was surprised, not actually expecting anything from Calum. "Of course, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't." He said. "God you're amazing." Ariana said, pecking his lips one more. "Come on, everyone's probably looking for you baby." Calum said.

Calum interlocked their hands and walked back inside. Calum knew Ariana was rich, but seeing it up close was something different. Seeing all the workers in her house, people serving the guests, everyone dressed in fancy suits and dresses. He felt so out of place instantly, the more he walked through. "Cal, you've met my mom." Ariana said. "Nice to see you again Mrs. Grande."

"I prefer Professor Grande." She said. "Of course, my mistake." Calum said. "I'm gonna go put these in a vase and leave you two to talk." Ariana pecked Calum's cheek and whispered in her mother's ear, "be nice to him," before heading to the kitchen. There was of course the awkward silence between the two, which Calum decided to take it upon himself to drown it out by downing a glass of champagne.

"So, how did you meet my daughter?" Patricia asked. Calum hesitated at first, not wanting to expose Ariana about what had happened between her and Luke. "We just ran into each other a couple times. A friend of hers lived in my building." Calum said. "You mean Luke?" Her mother asked. "Yeah, he was my neighbor." Calum admitted.

"How'd you steal her away from that monster?" Calum downed another glass. "There was just something about her that I wanted to get to know about her and vice versa." Calum said. "She says she's in love with you."

"So I've heard." Patricia shook her head and chuckled. "My daughter has a very wild imagination. It doesn't take long for her to fall in love with someone. You two have known each other for almost four months now?"

"You're questioning your daughter's own feelings? I don't think you know how she feels." Calum said. "I might not know how she feels, but how do you feel? I know a boy using my daughter when I see one." Patricia said. This time, Calum shook his head and laughed. "And may I ask how you think I'm using your daughter?" Calum said. "You're just another South side pig using my daughter as a way to get yourself out. I saw it with Luke, he tried to use her to get to my husband to get connections in the music industry."

"Well that's were you're wrong. I'm fine where I am, and I don't need your daughter's help to get to the North side if I want to. I'm with your daughter because she means the world to me, and she gives me something that I could never give myself."

"Money?" Calum was deeply offended and didn't hold back his attitude and anger.

"Love." Ariana came back and noticed Calum was upset. "Hey, everything okay?" Ariana asked. "Yeah, everything's fine. I just need some air." Calum walked past the two women and drank another glass of champagne. "I told you to be nice mom, what did you say to him?" Ariana exclaimed. "I needed to know where he stood with you."

"He's not like the other guys mom."

"I know." Ariana furrowed her brows and crossed her arms over her chest. "Excuse me?" Ariana said. "I know that he isn't like other guys. I'm not saying I like him, but I know he has good intentions, and is falling in love with you. You picked a good one sweetheart, don't make me regret saying that." Her mother said. "My boyfriend is still mad at you and probably mad at me."

"Then go make it right before your father drags you into a bunch of meetings with his business friends." Ariana rolled her eyes as her mother began to walk away. "Mom," Patricia turned to look at her daughter. "Thank you." Her mother winked at her before returning to her colleagues and Ariana returning to her boyfriend.

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