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Ariana felt so drained when she got to school

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Ariana felt so drained when she got to school. She was silent throughout all her classes, and was barely eating anything at lunch. "Ari, what the hell I've been calling you all morning." Meredith said. "Sorry." She mumbled. "I'm guessing you heard, about Luke?" Ariana nodded her head as her best friend sat down. "That's so crazy. Were you there, did you hear it? Did you see it?"

"No, I didn't hear it or see it. I didn't even know it happened until Calum and I saw the news last night." Ariana said. "Are you okay? I mean, I don't really care because that guy was a fucking jerk, but I know you really liked him." Meredith said. "Considering he's still fucking things up for me even though he's dead, I don't want to talk about it."

"How is he fucking things up for you?" Meredith asked. "Calum won't let me come back to his apartment because of all the shootings." Meredith just stared at her friend. "And you're mad at that?" Meredith said. "Yes, I don't want to be apart from him. He's my home away from home Mere." Ariana whined. She let her head rest on her books, groaning in annoyance. "He's trying to keep you safe, which definitely moves him up on the Meredith Compatibility chart."

"The Meredith what?" Ariana said, looking up at her best friend. "The Meredith Compatibility chart. If I think whatever guy your seeing is doing things that I think are benefiting you, they move up. Luke continuously stayed at the bottom. Calum was at the bottom when he called me a brat, but just moved up because of his act of kindness and love towards wanting to keep you safe. Which I'm glad he did so I don't have to lock you in my closet to keep you here." Ariana smiled at her friend, knowing she was right.

"I may have done something crazy though." Ariana said. "Crazy like going skinny dipping? Because that's a health hazard." Meredith said, causing Ariana to roll her eyes. "I told him I loved him." Meredith's mouth went agape, letting the water she was in the midst of drinking, fall out. "Ew Meredith-"

"You told him you love him?" Meredith exclaimed, getting the attention of some in the cafeteria. "It may have slipped out at the hospital and when we went to bed last night, and when we were getting ready to leave, and before I got on the train. But it's fine, it's no big deal." Ariana said. "It is a big deal, knowing you. Did he say anything?"

"No, but he hasn't shut me out or anything, so clearly it doesn't matter."

"It does matter. You've only been dating for a month, how can you possibly be in love?"

"Remember when we got into that fight about you judging me about my relationships?" Ariana reminded her. "I'm genuinely asking Ari. Are you sure you actually mean it when you say it, and not just because he almost died?" Meredith said. "I mean, maybe. But we've known each other for three months altogether and even then I knew he cared about me."

"You can care about someone and not love them." Meredith said. "Don't make me anymore depressed than I already am." Ariana said. "I won't say anything else, I just want you to think about it. You can't throw those three words around willy nilly." Ariana just kept to herself and listened to Meredith talk about her english professor.

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