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Ariana almost wasn't going to get out of bed

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Ariana almost wasn't going to get out of bed. She let her alarm go off four times, and just stared at it each time. She wasn't in the mood for anything today, and it was pretty obvious. Unfortunately, that wasn't going to slide with her parents. As time went on, and the lack of Ariana rushing downstairs, her mother decided to take it upon herself to barge into her daughters room.

"Ari, get up, you're gonna be late for class." Her mother said. "I'm not going." Ariana huffed. "What's wrong are you sick?" Her mother climbed in bed and touched her daughter's forehead. "No."

"Are you on your period?"


"Are you pregnant?"

"Oh my god mom no." Ariana said, pushing her mother away. "Well you know how I feel about you just skipping class. Come on, you can ride with me." Her mother insisted. "No mom, can't you just let me blow off one day? I don't want to go to class today." Ariana begged. Her mother sighed before sitting next to the twenty year old.

"Is this about your friend Luke who passed away. Honey, I know you really liked him but you have to move on, he wasn't good for you." Ariana groaned loudly as she stuffed her face in her pillows. "This isn't about Luke mom."

"Then what is this about?"

"Nothing," Ariana sighed. "I'll be up in a minute." Her mother left without another word, leaving Ariana alone in her room. She soon pulled herself out of bed and threw on some new clothes, not having the energy to shower. She brushed her teeth and combed out her hair and grabbed her things as she went to the car.

"Sweetheart, don't you want breakfast?" Her mother called out. But she just let the door slam as she took her spot in the passenger seat, folding her arms across her chest and resting her head on the window. Her mother soon came out with a water and a banana, and held it out for her daughter to take.

"There is no need to throw a tantrum." Her mother said. "I'm not throwing a tantrum." She said as she snatched the food and drink and shoved it in her bag. "I don't understand what's wrong Ariana. How am I supposed to fix the problem if you won't tell me how to fix it."

"It's because the problem has nothing to do with you. Although you could've made it a little bit better and let me stay home like I asked." Ariana said. "I guess you'll just stay mad then." Her mother said. The drive to school was short, but because of the deafening silence, it felt like it lasted forever. As her mother pulled up, Ariana noticed a familiar tall figure within the row of cars. She opened the door and got out and a smile beamed across her face as she sprinted and jumped into Calum's arms.

"Well hello to you too." Calum chuckled. Ariana wrapped her arms tightly around his neck as she kissed his lips softly. "What are you doing here? I thought I wouldn't be seeing you till tomorrow." Ariana said. "I wanted to surprise you. I came a little earlier and ran into Meredith and she said that you hadn't come in with her and suggested I wait for you here." Calum said.

Ariana just smiled as she hugged him once more, never wanting to let go. "I missed you so much." Ariana said. "It's only been a day princess." Calum said as he set her down. "So you didn't miss me?" Ariana said, cocking her head to the side. "Of course I did." He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers once more. Before they got too carried away, Ariana's mother cleared her throat, breaking them up.

"Sorry mom. Calum, this is my mom Patricia Grande. Mom, this is Calum." Ariana said. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Grande." Calum said, holding his hand out for her to shake. "Nice to meet you Calum. So, what classes do you have with Ariana?" Her mother asked. "Oh, I'm not a student ma'am." Calum said. "I figured as much. We'll talk about this later." Her mother said, glaring her down as she handed Ariana her backpack.

Ariana took and smiled as she turned back to face Calum. "I guess someone's not a fan." Calum said as he stroked Ariana's cheek. "She's always like that, don't worry." Ariana said. "So, how long do I have to suffer and wait for you to get out of class?" Calum asked. "Sadly, a couple hours. I'm done at 12, but I could just skip and hang out with you instead." Calum chuckled and shook his head. "I'm afraid not princess. I don't want to give your mum another reason right off the bat to not like me."

Ariana rolled her eyes and pouted. "What are you gonna do while I'm gone? Sit in your...when did you get this car?" Ariana said in shock. Ariana loved old cars, she couldn't exactly tell you the name of it, but just getting to see it and be this up close and personal with one like this was a dream come true. "I had it in storage, thought it was time to bring it out. You like it?" Calum chuckled.

"Yeah it's amazing. My dad never lets me near his old cars." Ariana said. "I'm not to anal about my car, just don't stain my seats." Calum said. "You sure we can't just ditch and go back to your place?" Ariana said as she intertwined their fingers. "Yes, I'm sure. Besides, I have some things I need to take care of first anyway." Calum said. "Things like what?"

"Oh, I don't know. Just, get this weird, annoying brat a birthday present for her party tomorrow, nothing special." Ariana playfully gasped as she pushed Calum's chest. He just smiled and wrapped his arms around her so she couldn't get out of his grasp. "Sorry, couldn't help myself." He said. "I love you." Ariana said. Calum just kissed her forehead, and stroked her cheeks. "I should probably let you get going before you're even more late." He said as she let her go.

"Okay, guess I'll see you after class then." She said sadly. As she began to walk away, Calum sighed before grabbing her hand to stop her. He pulled her back into his arms and kissed her, cupping her cheeks in his hand as she parted her lips for him. He pulled away and looked into her eyes, wiping away her tears. "Just because I don't say it, doesn't mean I don't feel the same way." He reassures. "Really?" Ariana's face lit up like a child's on christmas.

"Absolutely." He said pecking her lips once more. "You're making it really hard for me to leave and go go to inside." She mumbled against his lips. Calum smiled against hers as he finally pulled away, unwrapping his arms from around her as well. "Don't worry, I'll make it up to you after class. Just go learn something." He said. Calum watched as she went inside, falling in love with her more and more with each step.

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