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"Come on, I already answered one

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"Come on, I already answered one." Calum groaned. The couple were sprawled out on the couch, Ariana cuddled up to Calum's side, their legs tangled together and Ariana resting her head on Calum's chest, listening to his heart beat constantly fluctuate while they spoke. "I don't want to answer any more questions, we've done like fifteen." Calum groaned. "That's the whole point of twenty questions, you ask twenty questions. We both have a five more left, four if you answer one more." Ariana sang.

"What's the question?"

"Favorite memory." Most of his memories were with Mia and Ava, but he wasn't ready to open up to Ariana about that yet. He'd barely opened up at all during their two hour game of twenty questions. He gave all one worded answers, while Ariana practically gave monologues, but he didn't mind. He liked listening to her talk.


"This what?"

"This, this is my favorite memory. Being with you and playing stupid games." He said. "I'll let that slide, but only because it was really cute and sweet." She said, pecking his cheek. "Alright, you're turn." Calum teased.

"My favorite memory, hmm." Calum rolled his eyes at how dramatic she was being. "Probably when my mom took me to see Wicked on Broadway when I was a little girl. It's hands down one of my favorite plays on the entire earth. She wanted to get away from my dad, but she didn't want to leave me alone with him, because he was a severe alcoholic at the time, so we took a trip to New York in the middle of the week. I got to miss 3 days of school, it was like heaven to me at the time." Ariana said.

"Is your dad still an alcoholic?"

"I mean, once an alcoholic always an alcoholic right." Ariana said sadly. Calum ran his fingers through her hair, watching as she slowly got more and more sleepy. "Next question," Ariana yawned. "When did you know that you were in love?" She said. Calum was about to give another one word answer, but when he looked up to see Ariana's sleepy yet dreamy eyes, he smiled.

"We were at a party, in Serpent Territory, when some of them still lived on the south side. A big fight broke out and then, all you heard was guns, bodies hitting the floor and screaming. We were on opposite sides of the house when it happened, so when bodies started rushing out, I couldn't even get to her. I was swept out by the large mob, all the way down the block. I ran back, even amidst all the shooting that happened afterwards. I made it back to the house, and found her in an ambulance, wrapped up in a blanket. I thought my whole world was coming to an end until I saw her."

Ariana could barely keep her eyes open at Calum's story, but she still shared a soft smile. "You really loved her, didn't you?" Ariana said. "Yeah, I guess." Ariana buried her face in the crook of Calum's neck as she was beginning to get way to tired to stay away.
"Can I ask you something?" She mumbled. "You've got three questions left." Calum chuckled.

"Are you the Viper King?" Calum's eyes went wide at her soft sleepy voice. "Who told you that?" Calum said as he became tense. "Tyler, he said that's how he knows you." She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Of course he did." Calum mumbled. "Look, I don't want to talk about this right now."

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