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"Come on Calum, you're not trying hard enough." Ashton said. Calum was in the most intense training of his career. "I am trying Ash, i'm fucking tired." Calum said. "Well try harder." Ashton said. Calum gave some of the hardest punches he could, but it still wasn't enough for Ashton. "What the fuck Cal, you're not giving me anything." Ashton exclaimed. Calum wanted to give him something upside the head.

"If you haven't noticed, I'm still tired from last nights fight asshole. How do you expect me to be not tired or sore when you're working me like a fucking dog?" Calum said. "Cal, you're an underground boxer trying to make it to the big leagues, what do you expect, you have to work twice as hard. You need to build up some stamina." Ashton said. "I have fucking stamina you dickhead."

Ashton rolled his eyes at his best friend. "Alright, go on and get some rest. But tomorrow, you better put up a fucking fight." Ashton said. Calum left the ring with no other word and headed to the showers. He took of his gloves and wrap and his knuckles were bloody and bruised up from previous back to back fights. It was a hard job, but it was the best he could do. It was all he wanted to do.

After a long and hot shower, he put on his sweatpants and hoodie, grabbed his gym bag and headed back to his apartment on the south side of Chicago. Most people would be terrified to walk in these dangerous parts during the day, let alone at 2 in the morning. But not Calum, he could walk anywhere at anytime and knew he would be safe.

Calum put in his earbuds and put his hood up as he started walking. As he got closer and closer to the south side, he could sense someone was following him. Out of nowhere, someone pushed him against a wall of an abandoned building and pressed a gun against his head. "Give me your phone, now!" The guy sounded like he was in his twenties, his early twenties. Calum wrapped his arm around to grab the gun and turned his body so he was on the other side before pinning the guy to the wall and holding the gun to his head in retaliation.

"You're a terrible criminal." Calum pulled back the sleeve on his jacket and smirked. "And an even worse gang member." Calum said. "P-Please, don't kill me. I'm j-just trying to g-get stuff for me and m-my girl." The boy said. Calum let him go, but still held his gun. The minute the boy turned around, he knew he was in deep shit. "Shit man, I-I didn't know." The boy said. Calum punched him in the face, the gun never leaving his grip.

"I know you didn't, otherwise you wouldn't have even dared walking up to me." Calum spat. Calum was tempted to shot the boy, just to teach him a lesson, but he didn't. He spared him his life. "Get up." Calum demanded. The boy slowly stood up with his hand over his face, not wanting to be hit again.
"What's your name?" Calum asked. "J-Jeremy." He said. "How long have you been with your girl?" Calum asked. "A year... s-she's pregnant. Her p-parent's kicked h-her out."

Calum sighed as he pulled out his wallet and handed the boy a wad of cash. "You clearly aren't built for the streets. Take that, buy her whatever she needs for right now and then get a fucking 9-5, because if I ever catch you in the streets again, whether your robbing me or some sweet old lady, I'll blow your fucking head off, you understand me?" Calum said. Jeremy shook his head yes rapidly. "Now get the fuck out of my face."

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