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"Home sweet home

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"Home sweet home." Ariana announced. Calum got to go home on Wednesday as planned, back to his apartment. But it wasn't a happy send off.

"You've gotta fucking joking. I'm just getting started in boxing." He said. "When you fell, you took a major blow to the head. Many areas in your brain because of the incident are swollen and need at least a year to go back to their regular sizes. If you were to go back into boxing, there's a very high chance that you'll cause more swelling and either end up with some sort of tumor, brain damage or brain dead."

"But there's gotta be something to make the swelling go down. There's gotta be something I can do." Calum said. "I'm sorry Mr. Hood, but the only
way for the swelling to go down and stay down is to take stop boxing completely. It's too risky and i'm sure you wouldn't want to abandon your girlfriend." Calum looked out the window to see Ariana pacing back and forth.

"So i'm just done, I just have to quit?"

"I'm afraid so."

He felt like his life was over. He'd been working the hardest he ever had in the past two years, compared to his entire life. Boxing gave him hope, and now, he doesn't know what he's gonna do. Ariana helped Calum to the couch, struggling with the massive height and weight difference between them, but she made it work.

"The doctor said you shouldn't watch anything violent, you should watch mindless cartoons." Ariana said. Calum used his free hand to turn on the fast and the furious. Ariana sighed as she grabbed the remote and turned on Spongebob. Calum rolled his eyes as turned his body to lay flat on his back and go to sleep.

"You want anything to eat, I can make you dinner." Ariana asked. "No thanks." He mumbled. Ariana sighed as she took a seat on the floor next to him. "Is there anything I can do?" Ariana asked. Calum just remained silent. Ariana knew how upset he was and didn't want to make him upset. "How about I just head home and come back in the morning?" She asked, froth in her throat and tears in her eyes.

Calum opened his eyes and turned to face her. "I'm sorry, I know you're just trying to help." Ariana gave a soft smile before pecking his lips. "I want you to stay." Calum said. Before either could say or do anything else, there was a knock at the door. Ariana got up and opened the door and was stunned to see Luke.

"Is he here?" Luke asked. Ariana moved aside to let him in. Calum sat up and rolled his eyes. "What the fuck do you want?" Calum groaned. "I heard what happened, I wanted to make sure you were alright I guess." Luke still had a few noticeable bruises from when Calum beat him up. "I'm fine, you can go now." Calum said. "Can we talk, in private." Luke said.

"Why the fuck would I—"

Luke lifted up his sleeve to reveal a small Viper tattoo. Ariana gave a concerned look as the two men headed outside to the balcony. "What's this about Luke?" Calum asked. "Look, people are gonna be coming around, asking you the same thing over and over. When are you gonna take charge?" Calum scoffed and shook his head.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Calum said. "I don't? So you weren't the Viper King a few years back, in charge of every block of Vipers up until the North side line? You don't a kill record of almost a thousand-"

"What's your point Hemmings?" Calum said. "Word has gone around that they can't find your friends body. The North side did this, and you've got to be pretty damn stupid to just sit back and let them keep killing our people. You have to do have the credibility and the respect to get people to listen. South side Vipers are destroying the North side everyday, either getting killed by police, Serpents themselves or being thrown in jail."

"That's not my problem." Calum said. Luke just scoffed. "Aside from the fact that you're stole my girlfriend...when I found out who you were, I really fucking admired you. You were one of the few people that could've made the South side into something more than what it is, and what the North siders want it to be. You just laying low isn't gonna solve anything. Things are gonna get worse Calum, and you know that."

"Well I guess we'll see when they get there, won't we?" Calum said. "I guess we will." The two men went back inside, Ariana quickly going to Calum's side as Luke headed out the door. But he didn't stop until he said the exact thing that he knew would tip Calum off. "If I were you, I'd be more concerned. You've got a lot more at stake than you think." Luke looked at Ariana, then back at Calum before he left.

"What was that about?" Ariana asked. "Nothing, it's fine." Calum said. "Doesn't seem like nothing." Calum took his seat back on the couch and just flipped through the channels. "Are you sure everything is okay?" Ariana asked. "I said i'm fine Ariana." Calum said harshly. Ariana just made herself small and took a seat next to him, leaving space in the middle.

Calum wasn't prepared emotionally to deal with Ariana. He was gonna snap, and be angry, he didn't care who's feelings he was gonna hurt. He sighed from annoyance before moving closer to Ariana. "I think I should go." She pulled away from him and went to gather her things. Calum didn't stop her this time.

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