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Calum rushed into his car and sped on the highway as he drove to the South side

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Calum rushed into his car and sped on the highway as he drove to the South side. Considering there weren't any police running around and he hadn't gotten a call from Malcolm, so he wasn't suspecting anything to bad. When he pulled up to the address that Miriam has sent him, his blood went cold, and his face turned pale. He was the back of the gym that he used to train in.

He didn't know what to expect as he pulled out his gun and made his way inside the burnt down building. He was surprised to see it still standing as flashbacks of that horrific event played over and over in his head. His heart began to race as he walked through what used to be the front door. It's almost as if a projector was playing and he could see his body being thrown across the room in an instant replay.

His hands felt sweaty, and he was actually scared of accidentally setting off his gun because he wasn't being careful. "Fuck." He mumbled. Never has he ever felt so scared of what could potentially take place. But he knew he couldn't leave, not without Miriam. As he walked around the building, the he looked down and saw fresh blood at his shoes.

He followed the little pool, until he found a body. It was Miriam's body, hanging from the ceiling, in the middle of his old boxing ring. Her mouth gagged with a ball and cloth, her wrists bounded up so roughly that they were purple as gashes were covering her face and legs. "Miriam?" Calum's voice broke at the sight of his best friend. He approached what seemed to be a lifeless body. Although she was beaten up severely, he couldn't tell where the blood was coming from.

Until he saw a string off it fall down her legs. He slowly lifted up her skirt and almost puked at the sight of the mutilation. Once Calum's hands touched her cold skin, she woke up instantly, tears streaming down her face from all the pain. Grunts and sobs leaving her mouth as she cried. "Hey, hey hey, it's me, it's Calum." He said. Miriam looked down, a wave of relief overtaking her as she met her brown eyes with his.

"I'm gonna get you down okay?" She nodded her head slowly as Calum went to find something to help get him to the top. It didn't take long before he found a ladder. He used a switch blade to cut the rope instantly, Miriam's helpless body falling into his arms causing her to groan in pain. Calum set her down on the mat, carefully removing the rope that tied her together and had her gagged.

"Miriam, can you speak to me?" Calum said frantically. "M'S-S-Sorry." It barely came out as a whisper. "I'm gonna take you to the hospital now alright? It's gonna be okay, everything is gonna be alri—"

"No." She said hoarsely. Her throat was burning, and she quickly wrapped her hand around her neck in result. "I have to take you, you're body is—"

"Malcolm." She whispered. Calum remembering Malcolm has connections all over town and get someone to come and help her. "Okay, okay we'll go to Malcolm. I'll take you right now." He said. He carefully lifted her up in his arms, her small whimpers breaking his heart. They headed to his car and carefully laid her across the back seat, covering her in a blanket.

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