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Ariana was ecstatic once her classes were officially finished for the day

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Ariana was ecstatic once her classes were officially finished for the day. She skipped to the cafeteria to meet Meredith for lunch and had the biggest smile on her face. "What's got you in a mood?" Meredith asked. "Oh, just that I have the best boyfriend in the entire world." Ariana smiled. "You got to see him before class?" Meredith said. "Yup, and he just texted me that he's on his way back. And, guess what else?"

"He met your mom?"

"He did, but that's not what I was talking about." Ariana leaned across the table, pulling Meredith closer to her so she could whisper. "I think he loves me." Ariana squealed. Meredith pulled away and furrowed her brows. "You think? You don't actually know?" Meredith asked, causing Ariana to roll her eyes. "Because when I told him that I love him, he didn't say anything, and then I walked away. But, he grabbed me and pulled me back in his arms and said "just because I didn't say it, doesn't mean I don't feel the same way" and then we kissed. It was like a dream that actually came true."

Meredith has to keep herself together at her best friends girly outburst. "Sounds like you may have found yourself a keeper." Meredith said. "Oh god I hope so. I just wish he'd pursue me more. Luke and I didn't go longer than a day or two without fucking." Ariana pouted. "I love that this the hold out for you two, you haven't had sex yet." Meredith laughed.

"Maybe that's gonna be part of present at my party tomorrow." Ariana said. "You think he'd fuck you with all those executives and businessmen in the house?" Meredith asked. "You never know what could happen. I never thought i'd end up with someone like him and look at me now." Ariana said.

"Speak of the devil." Meredith said. Calum had entered the cafeteria and spotted the girls sitting towards the back area. "How did he find us? The campus is huge." Meredith whined. "Be nice to my boyfriend." Ariana said. "I don't know if I have anything left in me to be so." Meredith teased. "Afternoon ladies, mind if I sit?" Ariana moved down so Calum had a spot in the booth. "Hi princess." Calum said as he hand went to cup Ariana's cheek.

"Hi baby." Ariana didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around Calum's neck and connect their lips in a loving kiss. Ariana moaned into Calum's touch as one arm wrapped around her, and his free hand went to push her thighs apart under the table and travel under her oversized hoodie. Ariana parted her lips, giving Calum full access to her mouth as his tongue made its way in.

"You two are disgusting." Meredith said. The couple soon pulled apart, Calum just attaching his lips to Ariana's cheek and traveling down her jawline and neck. "Sorry Mere, got a little carried away." Ariana said out of breath. "I can see that."

"So, you're done for the day right?" Calum said as he intertwined their fingers. "Mhmm." Ariana hummed. "I figured maybe you'd wanna go out to lunch or something so you don't have to suffer through cafeteria food. We can go anywhere you want." Ariana was mesmerized at how Calum didn't take his eyes off of her not once.

"Yeah, that sounds great." Ariana said softly. "Hello, remember me? We always eat lunch together." Meredith said. "You can join us if you want." Calum said. Both Ariana and Meredith were astounded by Calum's offer as their jaws dropped to the floor. "What? Can she not come with us?" Calum asked.

"It's just that, no guy I've ever been with has ever asked Meredith to hang out. They never even bother to offer." Ariana said. "That moves you up on my list." Meredith said. "I'm on a list?" Calum asked, furrowing his brows. "Yeah, my "Are You Good Enough For Ari" list. Most guys never make it, clearly. But you've shown some real progress compared to all the other losers she's dated." Meredith said.

"Right." Calum just shook his head and chuckled. "I guess that means you're coming then?" Calum asked. "Why not, saves me money to shop. But I have to pee first." She said. "I have to use the restroom too. We'll be right back." Ariana pecked Calum's cheek before they headed off to the ladies room. Calum sat still, browsing on his phone, when he felt someone brush up against him. "Sorry man, my fault." The boy said.

Calum looked up from his phone about to brush it off but was completely shocked at the sight of Ryder.
"Ryder? What the hell are you doing here?" Calum asked. Eventually, he looked the boy up and down and noticed him wearing designer clothes and shoes, with the latest Iphone peaking out of his pocket and airpods. "C-Calum, what a-are you d-doing here?" Ryder asked. Calum looked around before wrapped his hand around the back of Ryder's neck and dragging him off to a corner.

"Easy, easy man, that shirt hurts." Ryder said. "Trust me, I'll make it hurt worse if you don't tell me what the hell all this is." He said gesturing up and down at his attire. "What's wrong with my clothes?" He asked. "People from the South side don't dress like this, and last time I checked, you said you were from the South side." Calum said through gritted teeth.

"I-I am f-from the South side."

"Drop the act Ryder, I know a phony when I see one." Calum said. Ryder sighed in defeat. "Okay, so I'm not from the South side, so what?" Ryder said. "You must be pretty fucking stupid to not get how fucked up this is. You're a rich ass North sider going to a fancy ass school, killing off probably your friends for some gang war that has nothing to do with you in your spare time. What the hell is wrong with you?" Calum asked.

"It's none of your business." Ryder was about to walk away before Calum grabbed him by the throat and pinned him against the wall. "See, actually Ryder, it is my business. Not only did you lie to Malcolm and all the other Vipers, but you're from the North side. You could be giving away information and leads on us to the cops or Serpents."

"I wouldn't do that, I swear." Ryder said. "I knew there was something off about you. You don't belong with the Vipers. You're an idiot to risk your life for a gang war, and you're even more of an asshole because you're the exact reason that this gang war started in the first place. Rich, privileged white boys sad because daddy won't give them any trust fund money so they prey on the weak and innocent," As Calum spoke with so much hatred, his grip around Ryder's throat grew stronger and stronger.

"Not to mention you can have anything you could ever want in life and you wanna throw it all away like it's nothing. If I ever catch you on the South side again, I'll put a bullet in you myself." Calum threatened. "I'll tell Ariana about the Vipers." Ryder managed to say. Calum's eyes went large as he let go of the young boy's throat and watched as he fell to the ground, coughing.

"What did you just say?"

"Your neighbor was your girlfriend is Ariana Grande right?" Ryder coughed and panted.

Calum got down to his level and had glared at him. "You threatening me Ryder?" Calum asked. "You don't tell my secret, I won't tell her yours." As scared of Calum as Ryder was, he knew he had the upper hand in the fight. Calum got up and walked away, not wanting to do anything he'd regret later. "Hey, where'd you go?" Ariana asked. "Oh, just trying to find some water." Calum lied. "The machine is over there silly." Ariana pointed out.

"Right, sorry."

"Hey," Ariana reached up to touch Calum's face. "Is everything alright? You look like you saw a ghost baby." Ariana said. Calum looked up and saw Ryder gripping his throat as she sat down with his friends, looking at Calum in return. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just go." He held Ariana's hand as they walked outside to his car. "This is your car?" Meredith asked, shocked in the same way her best friend was prior. "I know right, it's cool..." Calum had mentally tuned the girls out as he drove with Ryder's threat replaying in his head over and over again.

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