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Ariana watched as Calum left her in the cold rain

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Ariana watched as Calum left her in the cold rain. She could hardly move because of his harsh words. By the time she'd regained consciousness, it had stopped raining altogether, and the fight was over. Meredith groaned as she saw her standing near a car, and stomped all the way over to her. "Dude, what the hell, why are you just standing out here?" Meredith asked. Ariana didn't speak, just continued to let tears fall down her face.

"So now you're gonna give me the silent treatment?" Meredith asked. "Don't." Ariana mumbled, her hands forming fists at her side. "What?"

"Don't." Ariana said. "Don't what?"

"Don't everything. Don't belittle me, don't make me feel like shit and don't act like your better than me. I'm not in the mood for you or your shitty attitude." Ariana stormed off, leaving Meredith the one speechless, as she headed inside to look for Tyler. He'd just won another fight, defending his championship title. He was signing autographs for fans when Ariana finally found him.

She couldn't embarrass him in front of everyone, that would just make her look bad, so she went to his dressing room and waited for him. "Alright guys, I'll see you at the next fight." Tyler said as he made it back to his room. "Hey, there you are. I was looking for you in the VIP section and couldn't find you." Tyler reached out to hug Ariana but she pulled away.

"Why are you all wet Ari?"

"Why did you kiss me?" Ariana asked. "I asked you first." He had a smirk on his face and Ariana was getting more and more upset. "I'm wet because I chased Calum outside after he saw you kiss me. Now why did you kiss me?" Ariana said. "I kissed you because I thought that's what you wanted. We were flirting with each other and I went for it." Ariana scoffed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I was not flirting with you. You know more than anyone how much I like Calum. How do you even know him?" Ariana asked. "I don't know what you're talking about Ari-"

"He said we were setting him up. He kept going on and on about how you were trying to throw him off, so clearly you know him way more than me. So how do you know him?" Ariana said. "How can you not know him, he's known all over the South side Ariana." Tyler said. "What are you talking about Tyler?"

"Calum is the Viper King." Tyler said. "No he isn't." Ariana retorted. "Just ask him. And if he lies, ask him to take his shirt off, he's covered in Viper affiliated tattoos. Has ever told you what his job is? How he lives in that apartment? Connect the dots Ariana." Tyler said. "Now you sound like Meredith." Ariana said.

"Besides, if he is what you say he is, why on earth would you let me stay around him? It doesn't make sense." Ariana said. "I know it doesn't make sense, but he seemed to have made you so happy-"

"Then why did you kiss me when you knew he was right there?" Ariana shouted. Tyler was at a loss for words, he didn't think this would backfire. He assumed Calum would see him kiss her, they'd stop talking, and Ariana would be sad, not angry and asking questions. "Did you know he was coming?" Ariana asked. "No, of course not-"

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