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Calum was exhausted from a long night of celebration

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Calum was exhausted from a long night of celebration. He won the fight in the fifth round, a new personal record for him and he was so proud of himself. Of course, Ashton just egged him on about all the stuff he could've done better, but he let it go after they had a couple drinks. Calum made it back to his apartment around 7 in the morning and rolled his eyes at the on schedule argument between Luke and Ari.

He was on his way to opening his door when he heard a loud thud, a loud cry and glass break. Usually, he'd let Ari get whatever harsh treatment Luke was giving her since she was dumb enough to keep going back, but something inside him knew he would never forgive himself if he went in. Mia would never forgive him if he went in and didn't help.

He went to open Luke's door, but mentally face palmed himself at the fact that it was locked. "L-Luke please s-stop." Ari cried. After another loud thud, Calum dropped his bags and kicked the door open. He saw Ariana hurdled up on the floor, blood, and a drunk Luke towering over her. "Maybe you'll think twice before flirting with my fucking neighbor." He threatened. "I w-wasn't flirting—"
Luke dumped the bottle of liquor he was drinking all over her, burning some of her scars.

Calum was fuming. He stormed in the apartment and grabbed Luke from behind and shoved him against the fridge. "What the fuck Hood." Luke shouted. "So you hit girls huh Hemmings," Calum shoved him on the ground with one hit, "I fucking despise women beaters." Calum took a few punches to Luke's face, making sure his bruises matched Ariana's. Calum grabbed Luke by the collar and threw him across the room, scaring Ariana more than ever. Luke fell into his glass coffee table.

He couldn't get up, and with Calum towering over him, he didn't want to. "If I ever, catch your hands on her, or any other girl again, you'll wish this was how I was leaving you." Calum said. Luke just stared up at him, coughing up blood. Calum walked back to Ari who couldn't move. When she saw Calum, she moved back into the corner, until she couldn't go anywhere else. "Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you okay." Calum got down on his knees to her level and held his hand out for her to grasp.

Ariana slowly reached out, her body sore from Luke's body blows. "Easy, easy." Calum said. Even though he'd run into her a number of times, and she stood outside his apartment just yesterday, this was the first time he actually saw her. Her big brown eyes stared into his, and she knew then that she could trust Calum with her life. "Can you walk on your own?" Calum said. She shook her head yes. He pulled his keys out of his bag and set them in her hand. "Go on to my apartment, I'll get your things okay?"

"O-Okay." She mumbled. Ari looked and saw Luke slowly making his way from off the table and swore.
"You'll pay...for this Hood." Luke said. He couldn't walk, he ended up falling to his knees and using the couch for support. "I don't think you're the one who needs to be making threats." Calum said. Ari was terrified, and couldn't move when Luke looked at her. Calum saw and stood in front of her, blocking Luke's view.

He lightly cupped her cheeks in his hand and wiped her tears away. "I swear to you on my life, he will never hurt you, ever again okay?" Ari hardly knew this man, and from how he easily beat up Luke and doesn't have a scratch, she knew he was dangerous. But he also was so soft and gentle with her in this moment. "Okay." She said. "I'll be there in a second." Calum said.

Calum went in Luke's room and saw Ariana's duffel bag lying on the ground, clothes spilling out. He grabbed it along with some clothes he found in the drawers, following the bathroom with her hair and makeup products, skincare and hair products. He walked and saw Luke finally standing and chuckled.
"She'll be back, trust me." He said. Calum wanted to shoot up. It would be quick and painless, for him. But he just walked out and went inside his apartment.

Ari was standing in the kitchen with her arms wrapped around herself, crying softly. Calum shut the door a little to loud and she squealed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you Ari." He said. "Ari?" She furrowed her brows. "Isn't that your name? I heard Luke call you that." Calum said. "My name is Ariana, Ari is my nickname." She said.

"Oh, sorry." He said. "He's so mad at me." Ariana mumbled. "Who's so mad at you?" Calum asked. "Who do you think? Luke, he's pissed off." Calum was dumbfounded. "Your covered in liquor and have bruises all over you, and you're worried that he's mad at you?" Calum could feel himself get angrier and angrier as he spoke. "I made him angry, it's my fault."

Calum ran his hands through his hair. "You're kidding me right? You're gonna defend that asshole?" Calum said. "You don't understand, he's never done this before. Well, he's never been this upset." Ariana said. Calum shook his head and opened the door back up. "I don't have the time or the patience to put up with whatever fucked up love story you have with that jerk. So if you're gonna ignore the fact that you're a bloody, bruised, dripping wet mess, because your boyfriend got "mad at you" and go back to his ass, then just leave. Because I have better things to do." Calum spat.

Usually Ariana would go back. She's lost so many friends over Luke and didn't think twice about it. But for once, she didn't. She slowly walked towards the door, and shut it, staying with Calum. She looked up at him, fiddling with her hair, not sure what to say.
"You live around here?" Calum asked. She shook her head no. He leaned against the door, arms across his chest as he spoke. "Let me guess, you're a spoiled rich girl who decided to play into the bad boy stereotype with him right?" As much as it hurt, and made her feel worse, Calum was right on the dot.

"You didn't have to say it like that." Ariana mumbled looking down. "You can't go home to your parents can you?" Calum sighed. "No." Ariana said. "Is there anyone you can go to?" He said pinching the bridge of his nose. "They'd all call the cops on Luke, and I don't want anymore trouble with him." Ariana said.
"I can't believe i'm gonna do this...You can stay here, until all your bruises and scars heal, but then you've gotta go back home. I can't house you forever because you have issues with your family about him." Calum said.

"I understand...thank you." Calum sighed, he was being way too harsh, especially for what just took place. "You can use my bathroom to clean up, take all the time you need." He said handing her her things. "Once your finished, i'll help with your scars and stuff." He said. Ariana gave a soft smile and headed to Calum's room.

Calum looked down at Duke, who he actually forgot about the entire time. "What the hell have I gotten us into bud."

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