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The ride to Meredith's was more awkward than ever, as all three of them didn't say a word

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The ride to Meredith's was more awkward than ever, as all three of them didn't say a word. When Calum pulled up in the driveway, Meredith felt a wave of relief take over. "Well, this was fun. You know, besides your friend showing up and ruining lunch, but I enjoyed it." Calum just chuckled. "I'm glad you had fun." He said. "See you guys later." Meredith said. The couple watched as Meredith walked inside before pulling out of the driveway.

"Meredith's not so bad." Calum smiled. Ariana just stayed silent as Calum drove them to a nearby park. "Something wrong princess?" Calum asked. "No, I'm fine." She lied. Ariana clearly had an attitude as her arms were crossed over her chest. "You sure about that?" Calum asked. He pulled Ariana closer to his side and kissed her cheek, which inevitably made her relax. "Come on, what's the matter?" Calum asked. Ariana sighed before turning towards him.

"I don't know anything about you." Ariana said. Calum furrowed his brows. "What do you mean? You know stuff about me." Calum said. "No I don't." She exclaimed. "Princess, where is all this coming from?" Calum asked. "When you were talking to Meredith, you said no one really knows someone as much as they think. You've hardly told me anything about you or your past." Ariana said.

"That's why you're upset?" Calum chuckled. "It's not funny." She said pulling away from him. He sighed before grabbing ahold of her hand. "What do you wanna know? I'll tell you anything alright?" Calum said. "Really?" Ariana said. "If it'll make you feel better. What's something you wanna know?"

"Can you tell me about Mia?"

"If I tell you everything, promise me you'll keep an open mind alright?" Calum said. "Is it bad?" Ariana asked. "Somewhat I guess. Mia, wasn't just my girlfriend. She was my wife." Calum admitted. Ariana could feel her breath hitch from that sentence. " were married?" Ariana asked.
"Yeah, for a couple years till the accident. We uh, we also had a baby together." Calum said. Ariana pulled her hand away from Calum instantly.

"You had a kid? Why didn't you tell me?" She exclaimed. "I'm sorry okay. I wasn't ready to tell you those things about me yet, it's still a touchy subject.". Calum said. "I've told you almost everything about me. I even told you shit that happened between me and Luke that even Meredith doesn't know and you couldn't have told me that you had a baby and a wife?" Ariana said.

"Well I didn't expect us to get so close. That's not something I just go around telling people. I'm still dealing with losing them both." Calum explained.
Ariana sighed as she turned back towards him. "So what else have you not told me?" Ariana said. "I mean, that's the only big thing." He lied. "I don't believe you." She said.

"We met when we were 17." Calum said, Ariana turning her attention towards him. "I'd seen around in school, but never really got the courage to talk to her until after we graduated. She worked at this restaurant I liked to go to, and after going there a week straight, and always asking her to be my waitress, she kind of picked up on it, and then asked me out. We were together ever since then.

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