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Calum was trying to calm down before returning to the party

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Calum was trying to calm down before returning to the party. He couldn't stand being in that room with Ariana's mom, let alone being surrounded by rich and fancy people who'd judge him the minute they laid eyes on him. He screamed outcast, with his shaved head, chains and tattoos peaking out from his suit jacket wrists. He wasn't welcomed here, he knew that. But he wanted to be here for Ariana, even if no one was gonna accept him.

But it was harder than he thought.

As he stood on the deck, smoking a cigarette, Meredith made her way outside with a glass of champagne attached to her lips. "Didn't know you smoked." She said, taking her place next to him. Calum took a long drag before answering. "I'm stressed." Was his short answer. "Can I try?" Meredith asked, holding her hand up to already remove it from his lips. "And have Ariana hate me and be ultimately pissed off, no thanks. Besides, the only thing i'd smoke with you is a joint." Calum said.

"Very hypocritical of you Cal." Meredith teased. "It is what it is." Meredith sighed before snatching the lung disease ridden stick out his hand and taking a drag herself, shocking the older man completely. "I thought rich people only did drugs?" He said, taking another drag before passing it back. "I've dabbled in the area. But cigarettes can come in handy. Especially when you're 15, struggling with an eating disorder and using these to numb your hunger." Meredith admitted.

"Either you're really drunk, or this is some sort of test for that dumbass list you have." Calum said. Meredith smiled as she downed her class before pulling out another cigarette from her bra. "I am a little drunk, and no, this isn't something on my list. I find you comfortable to talk to." She said. "Weren't you against me dating Ariana?" Calum asked, stealing another drag. "Having my best friends interest at heart and being comfortable around you aren't the same thing."

Calum rolled his eyes. "Aren't you gonna ask why I'm so comfortable around you?" Meredith said. "At the moment, I really don't care." Calum admitted. "Well I'm gonna tell you anyway since you're avoiding Ariana." Calum turned to face the smirking girl. "I'm not avoiding her." Meredith was now the one rolling her eyes. "I saw what happened between you and her mom. Not to mention you're too scared to tell her you love her so you try to beat around the bush at all costs." Meredith said.

"You think you know me after one good conversation?" Calum asked, the words leaving his tongue with anger and annoyance. "I do actually." Calum chuckled as he crossed his arms over his chest. "So then tell me Meredith, what exactly am I trying to hide?"

"Like I said, that you're scared to tell Ariana you love her. I can see it in your eyes, the way you act. My brother is a worldwide champion boxer, and you beat the breaks off of him because he grabbed Ariana's arm and told her off. He hardly did anything and you wanted to kill him. Not that I blame you, my brother is a jerk."

"So what if I love her, it'll never work." Calum tucked his hands in his pockets, looking down at his shoes. "What will never work?" Meredith asked. "Me and Ariana. I'll never be good enough for her, it'll never be safe for her to be around me. She's better off with some rich and pretentious asshole from the North side. Someone who can give her everything she deserves without worrying about someone putting a bullet in her head."

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