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Ariana was in Calum's tub, trying her best to wash off everything

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Ariana was in Calum's tub, trying her best to wash off everything. The alcohol, the blood, the shame and guilt. She probably scrubbed her skin for the 5oth time before she saw that she was pruned up. She admired Calum's place. It was one of those buildings that was gentrified on the south side to get more white people to move in, hence why Luke lived next door.

But it was clearly renovated. A claw foot tub and a walk in shower, with double sinks. She was amazed at the improvements. She wrapped herself up in two towels, one above and one below. When Ariana looked in the mirror, she felt so pathetic. She had a bruise on her cheek, her throat felt tight because Luke had choked her and had his hand print wrapped around, purple marks on her arms and legs, and when she fell on Luke's vase, she the side of her thigh.

Ariana was always preachy about leaving your boyfriend or significant other if they ever put their hands on you. The first time is never the last time, but she always pushed that thought aside when it came to Luke. She covered her mouth to silence her sobs, feeling so ashamed for what she let him do. Ariana managed to put on some pajama shorts and a tank top, and left Calum's bathroom.

When she walked into the main area, he was playing on the floor with his dog. "Who's a good boy, who's my good boy." He said. Ariana cleared her throat to get his attention. He quickly rose up off the floor and cleared his own throat. "I-I think I got the s-smell of liquor out o-of my hair." She said sheepishly. "Let's take care of those wounds." Calum went into the hallway closet and grabbed his first aid kit. They went to the kitchen and set up at the island.

"Are you really sore?" Calum asked. "A little yeah." Calum placed his hands on her sides and gently lifted her onto the counter. "Um, you don't have to-"
"It's fine Ariana. I want to help you." Calum said. Ariana sighed, twirling a strand of her hair on her finger. "The scar... it's on my thigh." Ariana admitted. "It's no problem, let's just take care of it before it gets infected." Calum grabbed a cotton ball and some rubbing alcohol, as Ariana pulled down her shorts.

"This is gonna sting." He said. The minute the cotton ball touched the open wound, she jumped. "I told you it would sting." Calum said. "Well you didn't warn me." She said. "Just hold still." Calum said. He grabbed the gauze and wrapped her thigh. "I have some pain meds if you want." Ariana shook her head yes and Calum went to the cabinet to fetch some pills. "So listen, I have kind of a crazy schedule, so I'm not really here through the day." He said.

"Okay, what do you do?" Ariana asked. Calum wasn't ashamed of underground boxing, but it wasn't too legal to just go around and tell people. Especially nosy neighbors who spiraled into his life out of nowhere because her boyfriend beat her up. "It doesn't matter. Just know that I'm not gonna be around most of the time." He said. He handed her the pills and a glass of water, which she gladly took.

"I'll give you my spare key, in case you need to go get stuff or something."

"Actually, i'm in school." She said. "You are?" Calum asked, furrowing his brows. "Why are you so surprised? Just because i'm a spoiled rich girl?" Calum looked down at the floor in embarrassment. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that." He said. "No, you shouldn't have. But it's fine, I'm used to it." Ariana said. "Where do you go to school?"

"University of Chicago. My mom is a professor so I got tuition free."

"That's like 3 hours from here." Calum said. "What's your point?" Calum mentally face palmed himself. "You ride a train 6 hours a day, multiple times a week to see that fucker?" Calum asked. "I would drive, but I don't want my car to be stolen or broken into." Calum rolled his eyes. "You're either really stupid, or carry a gun with you to be on the train for that long, coming all the way over here, in the most gang affiliated populated area."

"Guess I'm really stupid." Ariana said. Tears began to fall down her cheeks and Calum began to panic. He wasn't good with dealing with emotions. Mia hardly ever cried. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that." He said. "I'm such an idiot. Everyone told me to break up with Luke but I just couldn't and now...I'm such a mess." She said. "I'm sure there's plenty of other idiots just like you out there."

Ariana looked up at Calum, not sure if he was joking or actually serious. "I'm not good with comforting." He admitted. "I can see that." Before the two could say anything else, Calum's phone rang. He groaned as he saw Ashton's name on the caller i.d.
"Is that your girlfriend or something?" Ariana asked. He just ignored her as he gathered up his things.
"Look I gotta go, just don't break anything, Duke likes to be fed every couple of hours and don't answer the door for anyone."

"Who's Duke?"

"My dog." Duke came out of the shadows and barked away. Ariana quickly jumped off the counter, ignoring her pain as she picked up Duke and showered him in kisses. "I forgot about you, oh my goodness you're so cute." She said. Duke was loving the attention as he licked Ariana's face. "He's got a pee pad outside on the balcony so you don't have to take him out."

"So when will you be back?" Ariana said as she giggled through Duke's kisses. "I don't know. I wouldn't order anything unless your okay with using a gun, but the fridge and pantry and stocked." Calum said. "Shit," Ariana swore, "I know this might be embarrassing to ask but, I never got your name." Ariana said.

"It's Calum." He didn't wait for her response, just shut the door and headed to the gym.


Calum was racing the clock to get to Ashton, knowing he was the biggest asshole ever when Calum was late. He made it just in time with a couple minutes to spare. He was panting as he made it to the ring. "Dude, why are you so out of breath?" Ashton asked. "Aren't we training?" Calum asked.
"You're not fighting for another two weeks and you just won last night, I told you you had the day off. Are you still drunk or something?"

"I wish I was. A lot has happened since I left your place." Calum said. Ashton and Calum left the ring and got in Ashton's car. "So what's this about Ash, I've got...shit to take care of at home." Calum said. "We've got a problem." Ashton said. They pulled into an abandoned parking lot and Ashton parked his car. He pulled out his phone and handed it over to Calum. "Someone sent this to me this morning."

Calum looked and saw the boy who mugged him a few days ago dead on the ground with an S on his forehead with bullet holes. "Fuck," was all he could say at the gruesome sight. "What is this?" Calum asked. "The Serpents are coming into our territory. They're recruiting boys left and right." Ashton said. Calum sighed before setting the phone back in his best friend's hand.

"Ashton, you know I'm not with this stuff anymore." Calum said. "Cal, you know better than anyone what this means. A war is about to break out soon, and you're the only guy who could keep some of the Vipers safe. You know this stuff in and out, you could even talk to whoever is in charge. People respect you." Ashton said. "I can't...not after what happened. I'm not a Viper anymore okay, I'm just me."

"You may not run the streets, but if you say jump, everyone will say how high." Ashton said. "This isn't fair. I don't need this right now." Calum said. "What's keeping you busy right now besides fighting?" Ashton asked. Calum shook his head in annoyance. "The less you know the better, but just know that I can't worry about this right now. Besides, I promised Mia." Calum said.

Ashton knew he couldn't get passed Mia, so he let it go and dropped Calum back off at his apartment.
"Cal, just think about it alright." Ashton said. Calum just gave a weak smile before going back inside to his apartment. When he opened the door, Duke and Ariana were passed out on the floor. He hesitated before picking her up and putting her in his bed, and covering her up with his blanket.

He grabbed an extra pillow and blanket and soon passed out himself on the couch.

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