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Calum and Ariana felt like strangers as they rode the elevator up to the top floor to Malcolm's suite

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Calum and Ariana felt like strangers as they rode the elevator up to the top floor to Malcolm's suite. Ariana was standing to one side with her arms wrapped around herself, while Calum stood on the other with his hands in his pocket, looking up at the ceiling.

"What was that?" Ariana said, finally breaking the silence.

"What was what?"

"That place, downstairs. It looked scary." She said, finally taking a glance at Calum. "It's hard to say, and I can't really say." Ariana scoffed as she turned away from him again. "Miriam was down there okay. She was hurt, really, really bad." Ariana softened up.

"Is she gonna be okay?"

"I don't know. Whoever hurt her, they really fucked her up." Calum said. Ariana, as much as she wanted to stay mad at Calum, couldn't, as she slowly made her way over to him. She reached up to stroke his cheek, locking eyes. "I'm so sorry. I know how much she means to you. I'm such a bitch for how I reacted." She said.

Calum chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry for how I acted too, at the party. I just...I want to be good for you Ari, and I feel like i'm not even close—"

"That's were you're wrong. You're everything and more to me Calum. Is that what you were talking about with Meredith? How you're not good enough for me?" Ariana asked. "How have you not noticed everything that's going on? It's not safe for you to be around me, let alone be with me. If even the slightest of what happened to Miriam ever happened to you, I don't know what i'd do."

Calum rested his forehead against hers and sighed. "I care about you, more than i've ever cared about anyone ever. You have no idea, how much I think about you, and worry about you every fucking second. You're the only thing in my life right now, that makes me want to keep living. I don't know where i'd be right now without you." Calum said.

Ariana smiled as she pecked his lips. "I love you so much Cal. I'm so sorry, about freaking out on you and not listening." She said. "I just want you to be safe baby. You deserve better than me."

"Calum, why can't you see that you're everything and more I'd ever want?" Ariana said.

"But your parents, they clearly want some rich ass, douche bag that's going to law school or something. Not some ex gang banger/boxer who can't even do that anymore because he almost died." Ariana smiled as she moved in closer to his chest. "I could care less about who and what my parents want for me to date. I love you Calum, you and only you." Calum smiled down at his girlfriend before lightly pecking her lips.

When they finally reached the top floor, Ariana was jaw dropped at the sight. "Is this yours?" She asked excitedly. "No, it's Malcolm's." Calum chuckled. They walked inside, Ariana mesmerized at the sight. "Geez, you're friend is loaded." Calum just smirked as she continued to look around.

"So, when's your friend coming back up?" Ariana asked. Calum shrugged his shoulders, "I'm not sure, why?" Ariana approached Calum with a flirtatious smile, grabbing onto his jacket and toying with the buttons. "I was just wondering, if we could have some alone time?" She asked. "Alone time?" Calum said, furrowing his brows.

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