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A good three weeks had gone by since Calum came home from the hospital

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A good three weeks had gone by since Calum came home from the hospital. He managed to take good care of himself alone. He didn't even struggle to get up and get to physical therapy that morning, though he regretted it after doing the most intense workout that a toddler could've done with ease, but he felt good, to a certain extent.

He left Ariana alone, not knowing whether she wanted to be bothered by him or not, but it was killing him not having her around. He hadn't been sleeping well since she left, and all he wanted was for her to come running through the door, professing her love for him, even though he wasn't in love with her.

The other part of Calum wishes he had his best friend back. Ashton's body was still nowhere to be found, and was officially declared missing that next morning after Calum was brought home. Calum didn't understand it, where he could've went, how his body wasn't turned up, how he was out there still walking if he'd never made it to the hospital and survived the bombing. So many unanswered questions lingered in his head.

He wasn't the type to be depressed. He'd gone through a depressed phase, as he likes to call it, when Mia died, and he refused to let those emotions take over after that. But he was depressed. The two most important people in his life weren't there, and he couldn't do anything about it. He was laying on his couch when he heard knocking at the door. He assumed it was Luke, trying to get him to change his mind again, so he just tossed and turned on the couch.

The knocking soon turned into banging loudly, causing Duke to bark like crazy. "Fuck me." He mumbled. He slowly pulled himself off of the couch and opened the door, surprised to see Ariana standing there, tear stained cheeks and still looking breath taking. "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Why haven't you called me?" Calum furrowed his brows. "Do you not want to see me anymore or something?" Calum moved out of her way so she could come inside and take a seat on the couch. He shut the door and soon followed her, gently sitting down. "Are you mad at me?" She asked. "No."

"No what?"

"No i'm not mad, yes I do still want to see you and I didn't call because I didn't think you wanted me to." He was surprised at how open and honest he was, it was never like this with Mia. "But you haven't called either." He added. Ariana didn't know what to say, she really assumed the worst when she finally got out of bed and skipped school, once again, to come and see the man who'd stolen her heart.

"This is all just an adjustment for me okay. I went from training everyday, having something going for me, to being stuck on the couch and struggling to do a sit up. I don't mean to take my anger and frustration out on you." He said. "I heard about Ashton...I'm so sorry." Calum just sighed as Ariana took it upon herself to cuddle up next to him.

"I just feel so useless. My best friend is out there somewhere and I can't do anything. I've tried going to the station and seeing if they found anything, but he's not the only person who's missing or dead, plus he's not a kid, and doesn't have anyone but me looking for him, so he's not really a top priority." Calum said.

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