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Ariana was definitely head over heels crushing on Calum

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Ariana was definitely head over heels crushing on Calum. All she could think about was Calum. "Can you get over this guy? He's probably not even thinking about you." Meredith said. "You don't know
him like I do." Ariana said. "Bitch you don't even know him." Meredith said. "You only knew him got a day, and you haven't seen him in like 2 weeks." Ariana groaned as she turned over in Meredith's bed.

"But that one day we spent together was magical." Ariana exclaimed. "Didn't he repeatedly call you a spoiled bratty princess and call you an idiot for staying with Luke?" Meredith reminded her. "Now I like being his princess." Ariana pouted. Meredith rolled her eyes. "Ariana, you need to stop worrying about guys and focus on yourself. You're the top student in our class, you're about to go to New York for a gallery showing in a few weeks, you have no time for boys."

Ariana sighed. Meredith had a point. Art History meant the world to Ariana, and she couldn't pass up New York once the opportunity fell in her lap. But she'd give up anything just to see Calum again.

"What are you two bratty kids up to?" Both Meredith and Ariana looked up to see Tyler, Meredith's older brother, and Ariana's first crush. "Leave us alone Ty, we're busy." Meredith said. "Doing what? Perhaps I could be of assistance." He walked in their room and took a spot on the bed, next to Ariana.

"Ariana's just being boy crazy as usual." Meredith insulted. "I'm not boy crazy, this one is just different." Ariana huffed. "I thought you had a boyfriend, isn't his name Liam or something?" Tyler asked. "It's Luke, and we officially broke up 2 weeks ago."

"Now she's interested in Luke's neighbor Calum." Tyler's eyes lit up. Neither of the girls noticed because they were too busy arguing.

"I'm just saying, maybe there's something there and you won't let me have a chance." Ariana said. "And I'm just saying you're crazy, and this guy could be a murderer. Tyler, tell her I'm right." Meredith said. "You are absolutely wrong baby sister. Ari, you should get to know this boy." Tyler said, causing Ariana to smile.

"He's not a boy per-say, he's 28." Meredith's jaw dropped to the ground. "He's 28? Ari, he's a full grown man. You want to date a fucking man, with a mortgage and kids and wife?" Meredith shouted.
"He doesn't have any of those things, he lives by himself. You need to stop worrying, and let me live my best life, with my ex boyfriend's super hot neighbor." Ariana whined.

"I'm not condoning this relationship whatsoever." Meredith said.

"Good, because I don't want you, or need you to." Ariana said. "All I'm saying is don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart, or your ribs." Meredith stormed out of the room leaving Tyler and Ariana alone. "She's being dramatic, don't listen to her. I'm happy you've finally found the perfect guy." Tyler said. "Thanks Tyler, that means a lot." Ariana said.

"So, have you talked to him?"

"No, I never got his number. But I obviously know where he lives, but I feel like if I just show up, I'll be some sort of freak or something." Ariana said. "No way, I think it's romantic." Tyler said, earning a weird look from his little sister's best friend. "You do?"

"Definitely. You should go over there and see him tonight. I'll even let you drive one of my cars." Tyler said. "But Meredith won't let me out of her sight." Ariana said sadly. "Then go when she's asleep, and come back before she wakes up. It's a full proof plan." Tyler said. "I can't believe i'm gonna see him again. I should pick out an outfit and do my hair and makeup." Ariana said.

"That you should." Ariana squealed as she began rummaging through her clothes to find an outfit to seduce her new found crush.


You wouldn't expect Calum Hood, ex gang member, underground boxer and widow, to be depressed over some college girl he met over a week ago. But he was as sad as ever. Ariana was all he could think about and it was driving him nuts. It was driving Ashton nuts too, because Calum couldn't focus during training, which resulted in a frustrated Ashton, punching him in the face. "Seriously Ash?" Calum said.

"I'm sick of you're non pussy whipped ass, crying over some chick you just met. You have a fight you need to prepare for, you don't have time to be thinking about some charity case." Ashton exclaimed. "You're just pissed because i'm not helping you with this fucking turf war about to happen." Calum said. "You're right I am pissed about that, but right now, i'm more pissed at your weak ass right hook." Ashton said.

"I just can't believe she just left. I feel like an idiot." Calum said. "Less talking, more punching." Ashton demanded. "I mean, who the fuck does that spoiled brat think she is?" Calum said, as he delivered a hard right hook. "With her stupid fucking questions, stupid laugh, big beautiful eyes... gorgeous smile—"
Ashton, again, punched Calum in the face. "Seriously?" Calum said as he groaned. "I'm sick of listening to this, go home, we're done for the day." Ashton left the ring, leaving Calum on the ground in pain.

"Come on Ash, I'm sorry." Ashton just gave him the middle finger as he kept walking. Calum sighed as he pulled his body off the floor and headed to the shower. He'd never felt this way before. So caught up in these small memories of some girl. No, not just some girl. The one girl that's made him feel so many things in less than 24 hours of him actually knowing her, and now, she's all he can think about for 2 weeks in a row.

He tried to push her out of his mind as much as she could, but she was always there, clouding his mind with her laugh, her cute dimple on her left cheek. One good thing came out of her being on his mind, he got the best orgasm of his life, jacking off to her in his head. He definitely felt disgusting afterwards, and tried to shower off the guilt, but he was still hung up on Ariana.

As he walked home late that night, all he wanted to do was drink his sorrows away. He trudged his way up to his apartment and unlocked the door. He threw his bags on the floor and let his body fall into the couch. Duke slowly made his way over to him, whimpering away. "I know buddy, I miss her too." Calum admitted. As Calum could feel himself slowly entering a deep slumber, there was a knock at the door.

He'd barely heard it because it was so light, but because of Duke's constant barking, he had no choice but to answer the door. "Look Ash, I'm sorry about today—"

"Who's Ash?" He couldn't believe the sight at his door. He didn't know whether to be happy or angry.
She was wearing an oversized crewneck with her hair down, and thigh high boots. She looked stunning. "Come here for you shit?" Calum said. He'd made up his kind, he was angry. "I'm really sorry—"

"About what?" Calum interrupted. "I wish I could've called you or something but I didn't have your number—"

"It's fine. Whatever it was, it got you out of my hair." Calum said. He went into his room and grabbed her bags. "I was hoping we could talk." He heard her faint voice say. He walked back out and tossed her bags into her hands. "No need, you've got your shit back, i've got my life back. There's nothing to talk about." Calum didn't even wait for her to speak, he just slammed the door in her face. Did he regret it, absolutely, but in the moment, he was too angry to listen.

Angry that some girl was taking over his life, ruining his career and pushing out the one person he always had in mind. Mia.

"Fuck." He mumbled.

Ariana was astounded. She couldn't believe what had just happened to her in the less than 30 seconds. Rejection, in the worst way possible. She clutched onto her things as she let her tears cascade down her face, walking back to Tyler's car. She felt so stupid for believing that some guy she'd just met would feel the same way about her. She was in a fantasy, and she couldn't get out.

The drive home was quiet, filled with sad music and light sobs. She didn't even get out of the car when she got back to Meredith's. Eventually, Meredith came outside, standing on the porch with her arms crossed over her chest. Ariana slowly got out and approached her friend sparingly. "I won't say I told you so, this time." Meredith said. She opened her arms for her best friend, who gladly took solace in them.


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