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When Ariana and Meredith finally made it to campus, they had exactly five minutes to make it to class

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When Ariana and Meredith finally made it to campus, they had exactly five minutes to make it to class. "Come on, we don't have much time." Meredith said. As they hurried to class, Ariana noticed a tall figure standing by the fountain near her building. "Creepy weirdo." Meredith said. Ariana stopped in her tracks to get a better look, and when she did, her eyes went wide.

"Ariana, come on." Meredith said. Ariana couldn't believe her eyes. Calum looked up and saw Ariana himself and was just as astonished by her. "Ari, why are you staring at that pervert?" Meredith asked. "I know him." Ariana slowly walked towards Calum, ignoring Meredith as she took each step. Meredith at the brink of frustration, left her friend alone with whom she knew as a stranger. Calum, with his hands tucked in his pockets, slowly approached Ariana as well.

When they finally reached one another, there was a long awkward silence from both ends before Calum spoke. "Hey." He said softly. "What are you doing here?" Ariana asked. He pulled out her tank top faster than he walked and shoved it in her hands.
" l-left it at the a-apartment, so I f-figured you'd w-want it back." He said, cheeks turning a bright shade of red.

"You came all the way to the North side to bring me a flimsy old top?" Ariana asked. Calum felt so embarrassed by his actions, he knew coming here would be a mistake. He knew she didn't want to see him. "I'm sorry, I should go." Before he could walk away, Ariana grabbed his hand in protest. "That was a very sweet of you Calum." Ariana said.

"I'm really sorry, about slamming the door in your face. I was an ass." Calum admitted. "I don't know if that sad little apology is gonna make up for it." Ariana crossed her arms over her chest playfully, making him smile. "Well what can I do to make it up to you?" Calum asked.

"I could go for some coffee." Ariana suggested. "I don't know where any coffee shops would be around here." Calum said, sheepishly. "Don't worry, I do." She said. "What about school? That girl who was calling you, you must have something important to do." Calum said. "You're right, I guess you'll just have to stick around and wait for me to get done." Ariana teased.

"I'll be out here then." Calum said smiling. Ariana walked to her class and squealed once she got inside the building. She rushed into her class causing everyone to look at her when the door slammed closed. "Miss Grande, the test has already begun." Her professor said. "I know, and I'm so sorry I'm late, I had an emergency with a friend, it won't happen again sir." Her professor sighed as he handed her the exam.

She smiled as she took her seat in the back next to Meredith. "Hey, I'm going out after this, I'll meet up with you later." Ariana whispered. Meredith scoffed and ignored her. "Everything okay Mere?" Ariana asked. "If you really have to ask, you must be pretty fucking clueless." Meredith spat.

Ariana finished her test in the knick of time, and Meredith followed suit. They'd made it outside before Ariana could finally grab Meredith and stop her from walking away. "Hey, what the hell is your problem?" Ariana asked. "You're seriously gonna ditch me for some fucking psycho stalker?" Meredith asked. "He's not a stalker, that's Calum. He came to see me." Ariana said. "Oh he did not leave the fucking south side to come and see you." Meredith said.

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