Chapter 2

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Groaning as she rolled off of the couch, Ruby fell onto the floor landing on another sleeping body. Opening her eyes and looking at the naked man she yawned and stood up knowing she wouldn't wake him. The rap music in the background was loud enough to do that for her.

Fluffing her blonde crazy hair and stretching her back, she peered over the ten other naked bodies that still seemed affected by the drugs from the night before. Rubbing her eyes to make them seem less blurry, she leaned down trying to search for her clothes.

"Did you not take anything last night?"

Finding her jeans she made an "ah ha" noise and started searching through the pockets. Ignoring the man who sat in the corner counting money.

"We having another one of these this Thursday. Write that down somewhere so you don't forget."

Nodding Ruby put a cigarette in her mouth and sighed, unable to find her lighter.

"You're working the street today." The strong man smiled as his employee finally looked over at him. His hand holding out her shirt.

Taking the top from him and digging through the front pocket, she lit her cigarette before sliding her clothes on. She felt sticky and hot.

"Here's your cut." Handing her some money he took the smoke from her mouth and put it in his. "You're behind Ruby. I need some fucking profit from you today."

Rolling her eyes and getting out another she growled when it wouldn't light.

"Did you fucking hear me bitch?" He leapt out of his chair to tower over the girl. His large frame shading her whole body.

"I heard you Johnny, give me five minutes to fucking wake up." She puffed some smoke in his face and walked around him. "Does the water work here?"

The man clenched his jaws annoyed at her carelessness but shook his head to answer anyway.

Buttoning her pants she left the old apartment and went down the stairs. Covering her eyes from the sun as she made it onto the streets she shook out the Ashes and looked around. There was a gas station a couple blocks over she would hit. Get some breakfast with her money and clean herself up.

The man that ran it was nice. He never seemed that excited about anything but he didn't treat her like scum which she enjoyed.

The bathroom was cleaner than most too, he always made sure there was toilet paper and soap. That gave her just enough to wash herself.

Splashing the cold water on her face she looked at the cracked mirror and admired how dry her skin was. Maybe tonight she could get one of those travel sized lotions. Those come in handy.

"Where's the fucking hot Cheetos Mike?"

The old man flipped through the magazine, "It's 8:00 in the morning. You should eat a real breakfast."

Throwing a bag of chips onto the tall counter she looked at her beverage options while rolling the cigarette back and forth between her lips.

"My son graduated middle school."

"So did I, What's the big deal?"

The man shrugged and beeped her items, "My wife thinks we need to throw him a party."

Handing him the crumbled cash, she put her cigarette out on his ash tray and opened her breakfast. "You need a party Mike. You look fucking depressed."

Getting back to his magazine, he nodded making her roll her eyes and leave. She realized she spent most of her life rolling her eyes. It started when her mother yelled that she wasn't good enough and now it's when other people do anything remotely stupid. Granted, she felt her whole life was stupid but other people were too smart for that.

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