Chapter 9

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"Don't touch anything, don't breathe on anything, as a matter of fact don't even look at anything."

Ruby ignored the older woman and picked up a clear rock sitting in the condos entry way. Examining it for a few seconds she put it back down roughly and started untying her shoelaces. She figured a nice place such as this required all entrants to go without the streets dirt and germs.

"Don't touch anything!" Anne yelled again from what Ruby assumed was the kitchen.

Turning in circles she tried to find a good place to put her brown stained sneakers. The floor was immaculate and shiny, almost reflective enough to see herself as she set down her shoes in the corner. How did a person even live such a way? It was almost like a maid crawled behind Anne with a clothe, cleaning up any get dust particles before they landed.

Walking further into the woman's home Ruby stuck her hands in her pockets as she let her eyes peer over the simple walls and clean displays.

"You can leave them on my desk for Monday but if i'm missing any then it'll be your ass on the line Mattie." Anne sifted through her mail while her cellphone laid in between her cheek and shoulder. Her eyes moving as fast as her mind.

Clicking her tongue, Ruby wondered how people could multitask like that. It took everything to get her attention on one subject and if that took too long she was gone.

Anne covered the bottom of her phone as she threw all the mail in the trash. "Get off the cabinet."

Rolling her eyes as she did what she was told she pushed her lips together annoyed as the older woman looked her up and down almost angrily before turning to her fridge. "Just sign it for me." She continued pouring herself a glass of something. Ruby couldn't pin point what it was because of the sleek design of the case and the lack of title.

Humming to herself the blonde took it upon herself to look around the rest of the place. It was small yet spacious at the same time. From what she saw it was only her that lived there. She wondered if anyone had even sat on the couch before, it was like a large L that was as white as a cotton ball and sleek as a new car.

"Do you prefer baths or showers?"

Realizing Anne was looking at her Ruby cleared her throat and leaned on the couch nervously. Usually she was on her game, ready for any smart remark, but now she wasn't in her element. "They both do the same thing." She laughed uneasily as the stoic woman stared at her unmoving.

"No they don't."

Closing her eyes she shook her head. "I mean they both clean you."

"But in different ways, they aren't the same at all." Anne squinted her eyes, "Have you ever had a bath?"

Although most would be offended Ruby realized that was the way Anne joked. Maybe, she probably wasn't joking. Who knew.

"Get undressed."

Taken back the blonde watched the older woman start taking her earrings off as she disappeared behind a hall.

"Chop Chop." The woman sang with a frustrated tone.

Realizing she was serious and this was in fact real life Ruby bit the inside of her mouth and looked around the empty room. She wanted to make sure there weren't cameras but she didn't know what she would do if there were some? Probably just wave.

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