Chapter 14

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Anne held onto the railing and watched the city she was used to get smaller and smaller as the medium sized Ferry took them across the water. Closing her eyes she breathed in the smell of the water while her hair blew around in all directions. She loved the feeling of being on a boat. As much as she loved working and being in the city, being in a boat was totally freeing for her. No one to ask anything of her, just herself and the water meeting with the hugs of the mist on her face.

"I've never been on an empty Ferry." Ruby spoke through the food in her mouth.

Smiling Anne decided against saying anything. She didn't know how to explain to her that she had never been on a full Ferry. Her company always made sure to rent out an empty one just for her. It felt good to share the experience though, She wasn't sure if anyone else would appreciate it as much as Ruby did. Her eyes stayed big as she watched the currents and examined the buildings from afar.

Coming out of her thoughts the brunette gave an exasperated sigh hearing the waves being drowned out by her chomping. Looking over Anne watched the way her hair reacted to the wind. Her pretty blonde locks flowing in the air as she tried keeping them out of her snack. It seemed the girl's priorities were in line with keeping her food clean. Anne couldn't help but smile at her. Her mannerisms were so different than anything she had watched before.

"Do you want a bite?" Ruby asked reaching her arm over.

Shaking her head the older woman looked away and flipped her hair away from her own face. Because they were moving so quickly the air actually made her a tad bit cold. So she crossed her arms gave a quick shiver. Glancing back over reluctantly she clenched her jaw as Ruby ate rather seductively. Her tongue stopping the pickles juice from running down her hand. Then covering the bitten end with her mouth to take another bite. It was like she was trying to outdo herself with the biggest bites she could get.

"Do you ever plan on leaving New York?" Ruby asked wiping her mouth with the back of her hand after half of her food was swallowed.

Looking back at the buildings Anne used her crossed arms to tap each other. "Never."

"Me too. I'm married to this city." Ruby crumbled up her now empty napkin and licked her fingers. "Can I ask you something?"

"I think if I said no you would ask anyway."

"Have you ever been married?" Ruby looked over when there was no answer. Anne's face was calm but distant. "I'm sorry if-"

"It's fine." She cleared her throat. "I was engaged once." She bit into her lip and bent over the railing as the boat became a little rougher. "I was your age, I worked at the bank as a receptionist, and I was..." she paused again looking out at the water. "I was in love."

Ruby stared at the woman, a whole side of her that she never thought she would have the privilege of seeing was being shown and she didn't exactly know how to react. "What happened?"

Anne shrugged, "She said I wasn't what she wanted in life." The woman tried covering the fact that she had tears in her eyes by scratching her eyes. "She ran off with some man that was everything I wasn't."

"Meaning she wanted a man?"

"No." Anne laughed. "She wanted money and I didn't have enough." Pausing she sighed. "She said I was a nobody that would never be a somebody. She said so many things." Her face went blank again as she seemed to bring back all those past memories into her head.

"You have it now." Ruby whispered scooting closer. She wanted to be comforting but she wasn't really sure how. "And her life is probably shit."

"They have three kids and he's on the city council." Anne bit her bottom lip. "She runs a charity for homeless veterans and volunteers at the shelter every week."

"What a fake bitch." Ruby smiled at the woman who finally looked over at her. "Your dick was just too big for her."

Standing up straight and clearing her throat Anne nodded, "I've never had time for another relationship." Shaking her wrist to straighten her watch the brunette patted her cheek to make sure her make up wasn't altered. "What about you?"

Ruby laughed obnoxiously, "No one serious. Just a bunch of half ass flings with guys."

Looking down at her high heeled shoe Anne nodded. "Do you see yourself in one or?"

Scrunching her face Ruby leaned forward not being able to hear the woman over the rough water and the boats engine. "What?"

"Do you see-"

"I still can't hear you." Ruby clung onto the railing as the water became choppier.

Becoming slightly irritated Anne grabbed the girl's collar and pulled her forward. She stumbled into her arms and looked up at the green eyes that stared back down at her. "Do you see yourself in a serious relationship?"

Ruby gulped before nodding. She was afraid their faces would collide together at any moment by choice or by accident since the boat made them both so clumsy.

"Do you think it could be with a woman?" Anne asked still gripping onto her shirt tightly.

Ruby was unable to do anything else but nod again. Her throat crashing into her chest as the older woman took her other hand off the railing and stuck a finger in the front of her pants, just enough to grip and pull her forward. Their bodies coming together and moving with the waves.

Anne stared at the young girl softly. Her eyes searching for what Ruby was thinking. She begged with her own eyes to give her permission to continue, the girl's blue jewels sparkling with the sun answered her question as she leaned forward to finally connect their lips together.

She had somehow read her wrong however as Ruby pulled away and leaned half of her body over the railing. Puking into the water that carried them to their destination.

Blinking a few times Anne stood frozen knowing what she almost did. Finally looking over the brunette watched the poor blonde let loose of everything in her stomach, from the breakfast earlier in the day to the pickle she just ate. Sighing she patted her back and combed her hair away with her other hand to keep it from getting messy.

"I think I still get seasick." Ruby sniffled between her coughs. She laughed at her own joke for a few seconds before round two came up.


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