Chapter 17

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Tapping her fingers on her Italian made Office chair Anne stared at the door and waited for whatever might burst through it. For the past few days her feelings had gone from sadness to to guilt. Now she was just angry.

The plack that sat on the front of her desk told a story very loudly and she was furiated that she let that story, HER, story slip away.

She was Anne Frey. She worked at one of the biggest banks in America, she made more money than all of the people around her, and she made every single person she came into contact with basically cower in submission.

How the fuck did she let a prostitute that she PAID for mix up her feelings so much that she let her run out into New York alone with no more than a slam of a door? Ruby was a young, careless blonde that needed her to be the boss she always has been, but what? She caught feelings? She compromised?

There would be no more of that.

She paid for her and she was going to get her money'a worth no matter Ruby's thoughts or feelings. They weren't valid anymore.

Hearing a knock at her door she stayed seated waiting for it open.

"Ms. Frey." Morgan popped his head in slowly and took off his hat. "I found her."

Clenching her jaw and raising her head slightly Anne used only her eyes to motion him to come inside.

Behind him Ruby strolled in with her arms crossed and her eyes already rolling. Grinning Anne tapped her nails again, her attitude was only making her anger boil up higher.

"I found her at a convenience store." The man licked his lips and looked down at his shoes, he knew his boss and he knew the look on her face was no good. "Anything else ma'am?"

Peering over at the blonde that ignored the conversation Anne nodded, "Close the blinds then leave."

Ruby watched the man do as he was told. She didn't feel afraid or intimidated she only went to a coffee table in the corner of the room and started looking at the magazines laid out.

Getting up slowly Anne closed the door behind Morgan who left as quickly as possible and locked it with a simple turn and click.

"It's pretty low to send your driver to come get me." Ruby commented throwing the magazines back on the table, they landed crooked which she knew would piss the woman off. "Couldn't even do that yourself." Looking over at the taller woman who walked over slowly Ruby raised an eyebrow. Her eyes were dark, her lips thin, Anne's stance was stiff and loud.

The brunettes heels filled the few seconds of silence until they stopped. The two woman staring at each other.

"Who the-" Ruby fell to the floor as a hard slap went across her face. It was the sharpest pain she had ever felt so suddenly. It made her blink a few times and open her jaw to make sure everything worked right. Looking up at the woman who stood straightening her rings like nothing happened, she tried getting up.

Anne smirked and put her heel on the girl's chest. Pushing it in until the girl unwillingly laid back down. One hand on her foot and the other still holding her face. "What the fuck is wrong with you lady?"

"You've fucked up little girl." Anne narrowed her eyes as she watched her try to wiggle out unsuccessfully. "Do you think you can get away with what you did?"

Ruby laughed, "Do you mean standing up for myself? Is that not allowed?"

Bending down and grabbing her face Anne let her eyes wildly search her over. "Not for whores." Gripping tighter Anne smiled knowing the control was slowly seeping back over. "We had an agreement. I was being too nice but that's over. You'll do what I want when I want it or next time you might end up somewhere worse than jail."

Ruby didn't say anything as she tried not wincing from the woman's hand around her face.

"I imagine you'll want to work on pleasing me better this time."

Nodding slowly Ruby felt the hand release. She gasped slightly rubbing her tender cheeks as she watched the woman walk over to her desk. She still didn't necessarily feel scared however. She actually smiled as she watched the older woman look at her watch.

"If your going stay on the floor like a piece of furniture come over here so I can put my feet up." Anne commented grabbing her phone and crossing her legs.

Rolling her eyes the blonde stood up with a grimace. "Are you going to tell me what to do this time or watch me like a sad creep?" She smiled again seeing the brunette peer up, her face becoming red again with anger.

She waved her finger to make the girl walk over and then she pointed to the floor by the window. "Sit."

Doing as she was told Ruby plopped down with a sigh, leaning against the glass wall. She was hidden well behind the big desk so her only view was the woman that ignored her and went back to her phone. Watching her the blonde rolled her eyes again.

"You seem like you're the one who wants something." Anne whispered still looking at her device.

"Maybe I do." She responded waiting for her to react.

"Then I guess you'll have to wait."

Furrowing her eyebrows and getting up she stopped as a heel stopped her by resting on her forehead. Anne pushed her back down and grinned. "Bad girls don't get what they want."

Gulping Ruby stayed frozen.

They watched each other until a knock interrupted them. "Unlock the door then come sit back down." She put her foot down to let her get up.

As much as she oddly enjoyed the orders Ruby did as she was told with a sigh. She didn't even look at Mattie who stood with lunch in her hands. She just went back to the floor and sat down.

"I brought lunch exactly how you asked." She whispered coming to her bosses desk and setting the sack down. She thought the two of them were to have a romantic lunch together, she didn't expect to see the other blonde. She thought they had ended.

"That'll be all." Anne stated getting the food out.

Standing there for a minute Mattie tried saying something.

"I said that's all." Anne looked up at her, "Get out."

Looking down at the floor Mattie nodded quickly and turned on her feet to leave the room. As she closed the door she gritted her teeth watching her boss hand food down to the girl in the floor.


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