Chapter 20

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Coming together as two cyclist past around them Ruby cheered loudly, clapping her hands and jumping up and down. The older woman hid her face once again. She had never met anyone before so willing to be out on display. "It's such a beautiful night." She spun around with her arms out. "Can you believe some people don't like this place?" Jumping up on the barrier she balanced herself. Nothing between her and the water underneath her.

Anne tensed up hoping she wouldn't fall. "My mom hates this place. She still lives in Connecticut."

Ruby jumped back down and laughed, "Beautiful trees." She shoved her hands in her pocket as the other woman went and sat down on the side.

"Your mother was a teacher?" Anne asked crossing her legs. The soft breeze pushed her hair back as she looked over at the girl who sat on the bench beside her.

"Ya." She whispered, her voice almost pushed away her softness. Anne couldn't remember a time the girl spoke so quietly.

Anne bit the bottom of her lip and nodded. The day had passed by quickly, faster than most Saturday's went. They spent daylight walking and talking, visiting places they had both been countless times. Somehow though, it seemed like a new experience.

"She used to sing." Ruby leaned back on the cold bench and crossed her arms, the lapping of the Hudson Bay making a charming noice filler as Ruby thought about what to say next. "Every day in the kitchen she sang and danced."

Anne watched a man cast his pole into the water. "Did you dance with her?"

"No." Ruby bounced her leg and laughed. "I thought she looked silly." She wiped her eye and cleared her throat.

The older woman looked the other way. She didn't want to see her cry. "Were you there with her?" She cleared her throat. "During it all?"

"Never left her side."

"I'm sure that's all she wanted."

Ruby sniffed and sat up. "Fuck I hate crying."

"That's why I never do it." Anne whispered.

"I've seen you cry."

The older woman blinked and looked over at the blonde who already stared at her.

"I get up earlier than you think most days." Ruby scooted closer to the woman and laid her head on her shoulder. "It'll be our secret." She watched a man go near the other who was fishing and greeted each other. They laughed with each other as the younger guy set down his case and brought out a guitar.

Anne closed her eyes and took a breathe in, she tried playing off the way her heart fluttered. But she knew the girl could feel it being so close to her chest. "Can you keep two secrets?"

"I could try."

Getting up quickly, the older woman looked around before straightening her shirt and hair. The tuning of a guitar behind her played. "I dance sometimes too."

Ruby let her lip curl up as a hand reached out. It shook slightly but that was covered up as she took it softly helping herself up. "I've never danced like this."

Clearing her throat Anne situated the girl's hand on her shoulder and straightened her posture as she let her arm wrap around her waist. "It's easy." She moved he foot and waited for her to follow.

The man with the guitar strummed softly, smiling at passing tourist who paid no attention to the two woman by the bench.

Watching their feet, Ruby finally looked up as she got the hang of the rhythm. she laughed quietly, "I'm dancing with Anne Frey."

"Is that so far fetched?"

Ruby threw her head back as they twirled. She only replied with her smile as Anne pulled her closer. Even the older woman smiled as she watched the girl's face light up. She stopped twirling and the blondes eyes blinked a few times as she tried to reset her balance. Leaning on Anne so she wouldn't fall.

Even the brunette laughed as she placed her hand on the back of her head, letting her rest on her shoulder. But soon she realized Ruby wasn't laughing anymore. "What's wrong?" She furrowed her brows and tried to look at her face but the young girl only wrapped her arms around her neck and sniffed. Crying softly on her blue blouse.

"I should have danced with her." She cried. "I miss her so much."

Gulping Anne rubbed her back and tried to think of what to do. She was never good at comforting others, especially when it hurt her so much to see them hurt. It was an uncommon feeling for her, to be touched by someone else's emotions so she really had no idea how to handle it. "It's alright." She whispered. "Your dancing now."

"She would have liked you." Ruby kept her head down but laughed. "She thought I was going to end up with some guy that was in a band."

"Morgan was in a band."

Ruby stepped back, her eyes were red but her eyebrows were raised with amusement. "No wonder I liked him so much."

Anne gave a tight smile and looked around, "are you uh-ok?"

She nodded, "I'm sorry I messed up your shirt."

"Oh it's ok..." she pulled her shirt to look at the tear stains. "It wasn't that- expensive."

"Could we go home? Or I mean go back to your house?" Ruby bit her lip and started walking down the sidewalk. Her hands pushed down in her pockets as she past the two men.

Anne watched her, the way she walked. It was slower than usual. She wondered if getting to personal was a bad idea. Grabbing her purse and going to the man with the guitar she dropped some cash into his case. "That was beautiful."

"Bless you." He looked back over at the blonde who still walked. "She's pretty."

Anne nodded.

"And she's quick." The fisherman reeled in his line slowly. "You're going to have to run to keep up with her."

The older woman took a deep breathe and laughed. She didn't know what she was doing everything she ever believed about herself was fading away and changing. Her first thought wasn't protecting her shoes from the bay that misted. It wasn't putting her hair up so it wouldn't get tangled.

She started jogging to catch up, a smile on her face as she went past a family walking their dog. She was going to take this seriously. She was going to let herself fall.

"Ruby? We thought you were locked up."

Stopping Anne let her eyes widen as Ruby smiled at her two old friends.


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