Chapter 10

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Groaning lightly Ruby rubbed her eyes and lifted her head slowly to examine the bright living room. The city's lights has morphed into the sun beating through the window.

Sitting up and yawning the blonde furrowed her brows and listened to something odd, it was the sound of music. Not any music she was used too however, it sounded like a piano.

Scratching her head where her messy hair sat she looked down at her naked body that was covered by a fluffy white blanket. Nothing had happened last night from what she remembered. She took a bath, and Anne went to her room.

Hearing the music as footsteps went down the hallway, Ruby wrapped the blanket around her nude body and stood up slowly. She wondered what it was. Walking as carefully as she could she tried not to wince as her bare feet touched the cold tile floor. Looking at an ajar white door Ruby let her blue eye peek through the crack, the older woman sat in front of a mirror in a robe that looked like a dress. Her hair up and her hands guiding make up to cover her face. The powder fluffing up around her as she patted her cheeks.

Gulping as she looked around the rest of the bathroom she noticed the record player on a dresser. It spun the record letting music play from its horn. She wondered if she accidentally went back in time.

"Do you sleep in often?"

Knowing she was caught peeking the blonde opened the door wider and cleared her throat. "Sometimes."

"Awful habit."

Pulling the blanket tighter the blonde nodded. "Sure."

Anne put her blush down and examined herself in the mirror. "Do you need something?" When the girl didn't reply she turned her head and raised an eyebrow, "Are you incapable of holding a conversation without a cigarette?"

Realizing she was staring Ruby shook her head.

Looking her up and down Anne ran her tongue along her teeth, "uh huh."

Ruby averted her eyes back to the record player. She had seen them in stores but she never saw one in someone's house, let alone hear someone use it. Hearing the chair squeak, Ruby held her breathe seeing the woman get up and walk over to her. The flowing of her robe stopping as she put her hands on her hips.

"It's Beethoven." Anne whispered.

Ruby kept her face blank as she watched the table turn. "He was deaf."

Anne took a deep breathe and nodded.

"I'm the same height as you." The blonde smirked and looked the woman up and down.

"Are you less intimidated?"

"I wasn't intimidated to begin with."

"Is that so?" Anne used her finger to push the girl into the wall. She enjoyed watching her effects on the younger woman. It was as if she tried her best to keep her cool but her eyes were unable to keep her secrets. "So you're saying my presence doesn't make you feel anything?"

Ruby said nothing as her blanket was pulled down softly and a cold hand laid on her chest.

Anne hummed, "I'm not sure, you seem pretty nervous."

Holding her breathe as she the woman stepped closer the blonde searched her done up face and wondered how old she was. She seemed to take such good care of herself she wouldn't be surprised if the woman was older than she appeared. "I'm confused." Ruby finally spoke staring at the red glossy lips.

"About the intimidation or about me?"

"I'm not sure."

Smiling Anne tapped her nails on Ruby's chest.

Hearing the front door open The brunette moved her head to look around the corner and kept the girl glued to the wall.

"Good morning Ms. Frey." Mattie chirped Taking her purse off her shoulder and placing both it and a sack of food in the kitchen. "I brought you breakfast and-" she paused seeing Ruby's face peek. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you had company."

"That's alright Mattie." Anne left the girl and went into the kitchen with her assistant. Leaving the blonde wondering what to do. "I don't think today would be best for us to-"

She nodded, "Of course Ms. Frey." Glaring over at Ruby, Mattie took out some files, "I thought you would want to see this at least."

Taking the folders and looking through them Anne sighed, "Karen is trying to sue me?" The brunette laughed ignoring the two girls who stared at each other. "What a bitch."

"So is our Sunday appointments paused until further notice?" Mattie whispered picking her purse back up.

Ruby widened her eyes and sat down on the couch. She did not want to get involved in whatever that was. Even as they whispered in such aggressive tones Ruby ignored them and looked out at the view. She loved New York from the streets but from a place so high it took her breathe away still, even after years of seeing the same scenery.

"What page did you find her on?" Mattie asked tighting her jaw and looking up at the other blonde.

"We aren't talking about this. You need to meet my lawyer about the Karen situation and get that figured out." Closing everything and sliding it over to her assistant Anne started unboxing her breakfast.

Waiting for her to say something else Mattie sighed knowing that was it. Grabbing her purse she left the condo with a loud slam of the door.


Anne shook some salt onto her food and looked at Ruby who kept her back facing her. "Assistant." Getting two plate's from her cabinet, the older woman placed the food neatly and took one over to the girl who still stood with a blanket wrapped around her. "Here."

"Your feeding me?" Ruby squinted her eyes cautiously looking at the food. "Did she poison it?"

"Maybe." Grabbing into the blanket as she walked away Anne threw it to the side leaving the girl standing bare. "You won't be needing that."

"What if someone sees me?"

"They will, it's window cleaning day." Anne grabbed her plate and went to her chair where she sat softly and crossed her legs. Taking a bite she watched the blonde go over to the couch and plop down with a sigh. "What do you do on Sundays?"

Ruby laid down and placed the plate on her stomach, she thought for a few seconds as she scooped the food into her mouth. "Sometimes I go to the park and watch tourists walk around aimlessly."


"Well what do you do? Fuck your assistants?"


Rolling her eyes Ruby chewed slowly as the man who started squeegeeing the window waved at them. She waved back reluctantly as Anne smiled brightly.


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