Chapter 4

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(Hey guys I just wanted to point out that this story won't be like my others, it's going to get very mature and out of the box. This is my way of pushing myself creatively and I understand if that's not your cup of tea. These characters will be very complex and dark and it's totally understandable if you aren't happy with that. This isn't like my other work, but I do hope you stay and give it a chance. If not I'll see you for my next book! No hard feelings here ♥️)

Trying not to bend her legs, Ruby shut her eyes tightly and took deep breaths. The ache from her neck shot down her back and to her hardened calves that tried to warn her they were tired, but she only ignored them, rolling her ankles around in circles one at a time to give herself a tiny relief.

Letting her eyes peer up she watched the older woman steal one of her cigarettes out of her jeans and light it with her own golden lighter. "Do you want one?" She finally asked opening the curtains to the window. Letting the city light's fill in the darkness.

"Yes." The blonde replied sliding back to raise herself up.

"Don't move."

Ruby rolled her eyes and put her hands back onto the bed, not understanding why she was having to stay in such an awkward, painful position.

Finally walking over to the bed Anne leaned down and stuck the cigarette into the girl's mouth. Lighting it for her, they both watched the small fire go out leaving smoke to raise up between them.

"This is a horrible habit you know." The brunette whispered, watching the neon signs reflect into the room and land onto the blondes face. Letting her manicured nails take the cigarette away from Ruby so she could blow out the smoke, Anne flicked the ash off and watched it fall down to the bed and onto the girl's red hands. Nail marks still prominent.

"Your habit is pretty bad too."

Anne raised an eyebrow, "And what habit do I have?"


Standing up straight, the brunette grinned. She did know her control issues were noticeable and at times destructive, but when did one prostitutes' opinion ever mean anything to her?

Taking one last puff, she put both cigarettes out on the tray and sat down in the same chair she did before.

"So you want me to just stay here like this?" Ruby asked her confidence finally coming to light, "and your just going to sit there and see how long I can stand it?"

"Not exactly." Anne thinned her eyes, "Just until I say you can stop."

Rolling her eyes again, Ruby looked around the room and bit at her chapped lips. The woman's cockiness and lowered voice annoyed her, but this wasn't the hardest thing she's had to do and it wouldn't be the last. Some people had weird kinks and she was the only person they could showcase their obsessions and twisty ways with, without being cast out of their own social light.

"I imagine most people aren't a fan of your eye rolling", Anne spoke running her nail along her smooth bottom lip. When the girl didn't respond she let her eyes scan her struggling body. "Is that your natural hair?"

She groaned. The weight of her lself turned into cramps, "Yes. Is yours?"

"Yes." Anne lied. Sure she was a brunette but she did have to cover up some greys. "Are you hurting?"

Ruby nodded trying almost everything to give each side of her body a rest. She almost expected the woman to have mercy and let her stop, but she never did. Her eyes just kept staring, almost more intently at every sign of struggle.

It was becoming hard for to even think of anything else or answer the woman's questions. All she could think of was the strength leaving her wrists and ankles. Her cloudy eyes ran up to watch the woman who only smiled with a tilted head, like she was watching an experiment suffer. Ruby wanted to give up and just fall but she knew the more she listened to the woman the better she would pay Johnny. She needed the woman's cash.

Sighing Anne waved her hand, "Stop."

Letting her body give out Ruby fell onto the bed with a grunt and rolled over to her back. She stretched her arms and legs out and massages the cramps that still seized her muscles. "You know-" Ruby breathed heavily, "Theres places to go for your kink that lets you be real creative. You don't have to make normal people suffer with your fantasies."

Leaning forward, Anne grabbed the girl's arms and pulled her toward her, her head looking at her upside down as her chest rose up and down quickly. "You aren't normal and these aren't fantasies." She whispered looking at the redness on Ruby's face. Grinning, she ran her pointer finger down her forehead and stop at her chin. Grasping her neck Anne laughed quietly, "You can take it."

Swallowing the dryness in her throat Ruby looked at the woman's green eyes feeling the pressure on her sensitive neck, "I take it you do this often."

"Too much." She let her grip grow stronger, "but no one else can-" Anne shook her head and let go. She didn't know how to explain it so she decided not too.

Leaning back in her chair she dusted her skirt off and examined the marking she left on her neck.

"What happened in your life to make you such a fucking psycho?" Ruby growled getting off the bed and grabbing her clothes that laid scattered on the floor.

Gritting her teeth Anne closed her eyes trying to ignore the comment. "You can't leave."

"Why the hell not?"

"I have to pay your pimp."

"Just pay me."

Getting up the taller woman walked over to her slowly, "He seems to be a business man, you don't take me for a woman who knows financing." Backing up into the cabinet Ruby held her breath as Anne's arm went around her and picked up her purse. "You're just a whore." She whispered into her ear as she pulled away.

Looking down at the floor, the blonde didn't even roll her eyes. She knew what she was, but she was still a human. Letting her shaky hands take out another cheap smoke from her mouth, she shook away her emotions as she followed the older woman to the door. Stopping in front of her as Anne held it open she grinned, "For a John you really treat me like a princess." This time she looked the woman up and down, "You must not have a lot of options if all you can get are paid woman's pussy's."

Walking past her and down the hall, Ruby knew she was staring straight into the back of her head, she didn't care though. She was the desperate one, Ruby knew she could get money from anyone.

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