Chapter 13

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Jogging down the entrance steps of the building Ruby took her hands out of her jean pockets and smiled at the man waiting by the car patiently. "Good morning Morgan!"

"And a good morning to you Ms. Cowan." He opened the door for her and smiled as she froze and squinted her eyes.

"How do you know my last name Morgan?"

"I know a lot Ms. Cowan."

Ruby rolled her eyes and plopped down in the backseat. "You should share your knowledge someday."

"Then I would never see you again!" He laughed before shutting the door, muting his words as he waved at a passing cyclist.

Furrowing her eyebrows Ruby watched the man get into the drivers seat and put on his seatbelt slowly. He was such a kind, soft spoken man she enjoyed going on rides with him during the day. He was easy to talk to and reasonable about his answers. She enjoyed that.

It was also very much appreciated that he kept the car at a warmer temperature than Anne's home. She felt like she was always on the verge of freezing in there. He however embraced the weather outside, rolling the windows down when it was a nice day and letting the New York air fill the car. It was exciting because you got to smell the bakery's you passed by, the colognes of angry men who jaywalked, and the construction of small buildings.

"Where are we going?" Ruby finally asked sitting up in her seat and wrapping her arms around the headrest in front of her.

"Ms. Frey wanted you to come visit her office."

"Where she works?" The blonde frowned as they pulled to the front of a building that looked made entirely of glass. Surprised when her door opened Ruby thanked the man with her eyes and got out slowly. "Are you sure about this Morgan?"

Closing the door he raised his head to admire the building with her, "Thats what she said Ms.Cowan."

"Call me Ruby. I feel like my mother when you call me that."

"That's bad?"

Sighing Ruby nodded, "Not really, she was a teacher."



"I'm very sorry."

Ruby shrugged and cleared her throat, almost trying to make it look like she wasn't nervous.

Taking a badge out of his pocket Morgan handed it over to the girl, "This gives you full admission to the building. Ms. Frey is on the top floor."

Swallowing nothing but air Ruby watched the man tip his hat and get back into the drivers seat. He probably had somewhere to be.

Clipping the badge onto the pocket of her shirt Ruby took one last breathe before going inside. She did feel out of place since her clothes were casual and cheap but she didn't bother to look around at peoples reactions. She only opened her mouth with amazement as she passed through the lobby. Amazing sculptures covered the floor, and the ceilings were so tall. She felt so tiny being in a place so big.

Smiling as the elevator dinged and opened back up Ruby stepped out and let her mouth hang open as she ran her hand along the wall. It was a pure white. And tile lined around it to make the design seem even more elaborate. It was so sophisticated and pretty.

Looking up from her work Mattie gritted her teeth and stood up. "How may I help you?"

Smiling Ruby looked her up and down, "I know you! Nice to see you again."

"Likewise." Mattie grinned. She almost felt sorry for the positive girl. Whatever her relationship was with her boss she knew what happened just the day before and likely Ruby didn't. "Do you have an appointment?"

Picking up a card and looking it over Ruby shook her head, "She sent Morgan to get me."


"Ruby." Anne opened her glass door and waved her in. "Mattie mute all my calls."

Nodding she watched the two walk into her office. The curtains closed around and Anne winked at her as she let the last window blacken. Sitting in her chair and staring at her work Mattie sighed.

"This place is amazing!" Ruby ran to the window and placed her hands on the glass as she let her eyes search every inch of the view. "This is better than the apartment!"

Scratching her head Anne made a mental note to have the cleaning lady come in after she left to clean the smudges off of her window.

"I can't believe you work here." Ruby whispered backing up and examining her desk.

"Well I-" Anne buttoned her suit jacket and walked forward, "I was wondering if you would like to go to a meeting with me on Staten Island?"

Sitting in the office chair Ruby made a seductive face as she let her fingers rub along the leather armrest, "This is so comfortable." Looking up at the woman who stood with her arms now crossed the blonde nodded, "I haven't been there since my last pregnancy scare."

Widening her eyes the older woman nodded, "Great. I was thinking we could take the Ferry."

"I get sea sick."

"I'll get you a pickle, get my purse."

Spinning around in the chair Ruby found the bag and picked it up. She held it patiently as the brunette looked in her mirror and fixed her hair.

"What kind of meeting could you have over there?"

"Development kind." Letting her lipstick roll on her lips Anne rubbed them together and let her eyes glance over at the younger girl who still looked at all the details of her office. Standing up straight and taking the purse from her Anne took a minute took at the girl's face. The natural lighting showed off her freckles and long eyelashes, all of which Anne found very very alluring. "You look nice." She whispered.

Taken back Ruby nodded, "I think it's the shampoo you use." She fluffed her blonde hair and smiled. "It smells like a candle shop."

Gulping Anne looked down at her lips and then back up to her blue eyes. "I order it online, it's good for thick hair." She clenched her jaw and grabbed the girl's jeans, pulling her toward by her belt loop.

Ruby held her breathe as then older woman's face got close to hers. She braced herself for the inevitable to happen but was left hanging when Anne's head went past her.

Pulling back Anne smiled. "It smells good on you." Opening the door she guided Ruby out since she still seemed in small shocked state. "Mattie I'll be gone all afternoon, don't call me."

Standing up quickly, she rubbed her knee that she hit on her desk and smiled, "Yes Ms.Frey!"
She stood still as she watched her boss rest her hand on the other blondes lower back. They talked to each other quietly as they waited for the elevator and then laughed loudly as the doors closed blocking her line of sight.

Flopping down in her chair Mattie blinked a few times as the phone rang. Her boss was acting different than before. She was nicer and she smiled. She knew she was prettier than the other girl but she couldn't make Anne smile like that.


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