Chapter 8

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Ruby scrunched her face as the old lady next to her snored loudly. Her old, leathered, tan skin stuck to the bench as she stretched herself out her further, pushing the blonde against the corner.

It must have been a slow day for the officers because the holding cells for the women were pretty empty for the most part. She remembered the first time she was ever arrested. The cells were so crowded with cracked out women and drunk teenagers that she was actually scared. She had been in this situation a few times now, her fear decreasing every time. Now she just felt annoyed. It was always hot and the cops were rude. They put themselves on a pedestal that people behind the bars would never be able to reach.

Usually, Johnny bailed her out the first night but he seemed to be taking his time for once. He was avoiding her calls and refusing to show up to post bail. Two days she had slept in the small cell with the lady who was coming down from her high. She wondered what she was like when she wasn't going through withdrawals. What kind of stories were hidden behind her?

"Last Cell." The guard directed.

Standing up with a smile, Ruby held onto the bars and waited for Johnny to greet her. She had some bones to pick with him.

"Are you anyone's bitch yet?"

Realizing who it was, she closed her eyes and banged her head on the bars lightly. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to bail my daughter out obviously." Anne smiled with her teeth as the guard went to the other side of the room to get his keys. "You've just been so naughty lately."

"That's just fucking weird lady."

Her smile disappeared as stepped closer. "You wanted to know my name. You better use it."

Rolling her eyes, the blonde stepped back. She didn't understand why Johnny hadn't come to her her. She had a good thing going with her profits and he always made it a priority to keep his girls out of the slammer.

"I want to make a deal." Anne commented looking at her watch.

"Just go away. Johnny will be here later to get me." Going back over to the corner Ruby sat down with her arms crossed. She tried to ignore the green from the older ladies eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Johnny isn't coming for you honey."

Gulping when the brunettes voice got lower, Ruby looked down at the floor confused.

"So. I have a deal for you and you only have about two minutes to decide."

The young girl looked up annoyed but willing to listen.

"I'll bail you out, but you won't work for Johnny anymore. You'll work for me."

"I can't just leave... he has a lot of power Anne."

"We won't tell him you're out." She grasped one of the bars and smiled, "or I can leave you here if you are so sure he's coming."

Shaking her head when the lady next to her snored again, the blonde got up with a loud moan. "What do you want me to do for you?"

"Tik tok." The woman sang quietly looking at her watch again.

Trying to keep her cool the blonde threw her hands up, "Fine!"

Anne winked and moved back as the guard came to unlock the door.

Rolling her eyes as she came face to face with the older woman, she tried walking away but was stopped by a hand on her arm. It wasn't as easy to shake off like others though. Her nails dug in as she tilted her head to the side. "Don't get that attitude with your mother."

Ruby squinted her eyes at the taller woman. She was lucky the heels gave her a height advantage. It was like another point was just scored in her direction as her manicured nails dug deeper. "You're one sick bitch."

"And yet you keep getting in my car." Moving around her she thanked the cop as she went up the stairs to leave the room. Her hips swaying with an almost "I won." sort of attitude.
Even so, Ruby followed her out the police station. She wondered if Anne was in fact a murderer. Did Morgan help her hide the bodies?

"Good afternoon Ruby." Morgan opened the door for the two of them.

Looking at him suspiciously, she slid into her seat and tried not to look over at the woman. Her Jade eyes waiting to be met. "What will I do with you first?"

"Whatever kinky shit you have in mind can wait." Ruby replied crossing her arms. "I'm not afraid of you like everyone else."

Anne laughed. Quietly at first, but it grew louder as she scooted to the middle seat and and put her arm over the blondes shoulders. "Honey, You'll do whatever I want or I'll have you arrested for prostitution again." She played with her strands of hair lightly causing Rubies hairs to stand up on the back of her neck.

"That can get you in trouble too." She whispered trying to stay still.

"Oh, your an organized bitch who's kept records huh? You can't get me for shit sweetheart." She laughed again making sure to be close to her ear. "Just ease up Ruby. It'll make all of this so much easier."

Shaking her head and moving towards the window to get away she suddenly yelled out in pain as the woman's hand took her hair tightly and pulled her down into her lap. She didn't ease up as Ruby winced loudly trying to take her hand away.

Shushing her Anne used her other hand to brush down her arms and side. "I don't want you to be afraid of me Ruby. I don't." The brunette stared out the front window of the moving car as she shook her head. "I just want you to respect me."

Feeling the girl loosen up and breathe at a normal pace she, let her hair go slowly and combed the knots she made out with her nails. Ruby said nothing as she kept her head in the woman's lap. She tried to stay perfectly still, feeling her hand run along her side and feel the curves of her body. This was the first time the woman had shown interest in her physically. Feeling her curves and studying the way her shape bent.

"You're not going to give me trouble are you Ruby?" Her hands paused waiting for a response.

Shaking her head at first, she answered clear enough to be heard as the hand tightened on her hair again. "No."

"That's wonderful to hear." She whispered, continuing to comb out her hair.

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