Chapter 12

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Stopping in front of her condos door Anne let limes show up between her eyes. A noice echoed through the opening at the bottom but it wasn't an unknown sound.

Opening her door slowly the lines disappeared as she rolled her eyes and hung her keys and purse in their designated spot. Ruby danced around her now messy living room singing along to whatever music that blared. Crossing her arms the brunette glanced around at her undone blankets and tipped over pillows. "Are you using my record player?"

Turning, the blonde almost seemed excited as she jumped over the coffee table and picked up a case. "I went and got you this since you seem to like music so much."

Looking at the empty record cover Anne took it slowly and let her eyes read over the titles. "I listen to classical while I get ready, what makes you think I'll like this array of..." she paused and let her jade eyes move up to meet the girl's nervous blues. "Taste."

Ruby shrugged and bit her lip, she didn't really seem concerned. While she waited for the woman to say something else however she started picking up her mess. During the day she seemed to have a good time by the looks of it.

Clicking her heels on her tile floor Anne stopped at the record and moved it accordingly. She turned the knob to increase the volume and watched it spin with ease.

"Micheal Jackson?" Ruby laughed folding the blanket.

Anne leaned on the cabinet and smiled at the blonde who started singing along. Her actions animated and dramatic as the words slipped out of her mouth like the singer himself. This wasn't what she expected to come home too, but oddly she wasn't mad about it. The younger girl was an entertaining thing to watch, even if she wasn't naked.

Looking over at her with an almost seductive face the blonde moved her hips and came closer.

Sometimes Anne became mad at herself for coming home so late after work but today she was thankful, the timing was perfect with the sun that set outside the large window. The view that overlooked her favorite city became a backdrop to the partly cloudy orange sky. It leaked into the home and cast back the sunset onto her white walls and furniture, even the girl's white skin turned a faint orange from the lighting, her blonde hair making a shadow over her eye.

Anne didn't know what it was exactly that she was feeling. It wasn't the same as having sex, and it wasn't the same as hugging your family. It was a different feeling and she didn't particularly like it. It felt like she was getting sick.

But the feeling that crawled up her stomach and to her chest moved her forward, her brain didn't question it because the grip was so tight. The nerves that were contracted by the grip made her move until she was directly behind the dancing girl. Ruby didn't seem to be feeling what she felt however, she only turned and looked up at the nervous woman and sang.

Sang like she didn't notice Anne's inability to speak.

Ruby took Anne's hand and spun herself under her arm.

The young girl didn't seem to feel anything other than the sound of the music.

Letting her mouth open slightly Anne realized she was unable to say anything, her mouth wasn't connecting to her brain. Nothing felt like it was connecting. She did the only thing she knew how to do. She took control of the situation.

Her hand held the girl's neck steadily as Anne let her own green, confused eyes look down at Ruby's hands that held onto her arm. The blonde didn't seem scared she seemed unbothered. Her own eyes blinking a few times silently as the music stopped and the only thing that she could hear was the older woman's breathes. "Anne?"

Her eyes closed as she clenched her jaw. The grip on her chest tightened so she let her fingers mimic. The girl gasped slightly from it but still stayed calm.

Opening her eyes Anne searches Ruby's face. Her skin had cleared from her lack of cigarettes, and stress. Her eyes glowed brighter than before even though the sunset out the window dimmed. "I feel like I'm dreaming with my eyes wide open." Anne purred bringing herself closer. Her red stained lips hovering over the girl's bare pink ones.

Trying not to wince from the hand making it hard to breathe, Ruby honestly wondered what the older woman would do. Her words seemed the opposite of what her eyes said. She tried to stay calm but every second the fingers that gripped around her throat, her heart beat a little faster.

Coming as close as possible Anne let her top lip graze the girl's bottom. Their bodies standing together in the middle of the living room. The honking of cars below being the only thing keeping them both gripped to the ground.

"Don't touch my record player again." Letting go Anne looked down at the girl who fell to the floor like a blanket being dropped. Her lungs chocked from the sudden amount of air and Ruby coughed. Her face down in the shag rug and her forehead laying on the top of the woman's black high heels.

Looking out the window to catch her own breathe Anne blinked a few times trying to remember what happened. She almost felt like the world had frozen as her body took control. She felt her mind paralyzed the rest of her for its own game.

Bending down slightly Anne picked the girl's head up by her chin and looked her face over. Her eyes were bigger from the tears that came naturally and her neck looked a nasty shade of pink, but Anne was happy to see nothing more. "Are you ok?" She let her faint voice ask.

Ruby's eyebrows furrowed at the question but she nodded anyways.

Their eyes stared at each other a while longer until Anne finally let go and stood back up. Her heels clicked away until the only sound was traffic and a door.


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