Chapter 27

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Anne nodded at the man behind the cart. His pudgy arms flying around the food as he slopped the condiments and vegetables onto the steaming hotdog. She watched him closely, wondering how long he had worked at his craft. He still sweated like it was his first day, but his hands were too light to be new.

"2.50." He said handing over the greasy food.

Giving him more than he asked for, she gave a weak smile while taking the hotdog. Walking away as two children ran up to the cart after her, she looked around the suburban neighborhood. The houses were familiar to what most people assumed families in New York lived in. Long rows of three storied townhouses laid down the street. Each a different color but all the same.

Kids ran down the sidewalks in their towels, leaving wet footprints behind them as they went home from the splash pad down the road. She couldn't believe the house in the middle, the one with flowers out front housed people with no hearts. She sometimes thought she didn't have one, but she knew they didn't.

That's why she only sighed seeing the man she searched for unlock the front door with a little girl behind him. Her mermaid bathing suit clinging to her skin.

Shaking her head slowly, Anne put her sunglasses up and rested them on top of her hair. She remembered her first bathing suit. Her mother made it to keep up with all the other girls in her swimming class. Theirs were two pieces with sparkles while hers was a dull pearl one piece that laid crooked on her shoulder.

Taking a small bite of her now cool food she groaned. She really did hate the greasy meal. Throwing the rest into the trash she waited as a cyclist rang his bell. A few following after him enjoying the nice evening air.

Finally crossing the street, the brunette stood at the front of the steps and clenched her jaw. Glancing around she noticed the light at the top floor flicker on. The only thing in sight was two pedals of a yellow flower on a pink wall.

Walking up the steps she put her hand on the doorknob. It clicked slowly and she raised her eyebrows impressed. He didn't seem to worried about intruders.

Not even being sneaky, she let the door swing open as she stepped inside. The wooden floors looked new, the sink ran in the kitchen. She wasn't able to see who ran it, but hearing a voice she realized the man she looked for was up the stairs.

Taking careful steps she glanced over at the family room that held a dog. A cute, small one with fluffy hair. He seemed to be in a deep sleep however as his paws twitched.

Looking up the brown carpeted stairs she climbed slowly. Her manicured nails running along the crafted wood. Reaching the top she looked over at the room that had a bright light. Her mind filled with anger as she prowled forward.

A girl that earlier was dripping wet played with dolls on her floor. Her bathing suit switched out with playful pajamas. Unicorns and sparkles was all the girl seemed to like, that was understandable however as her she only seemed to be five or six.

Looking at the woman the girl smiled. "Hi."

Anne put her hands into her coats pocket. "Hello."

"Do you want to play with me?"

The woman gave a weak smile. "I have to do some work with your dad."

The girl didn't seem to mind. She went back to her toy box and started throwing out more dolls. Anne watched her for a minute more before closing the door. Leaving the hallway with almost no light.

On the opposite side of the long hallway was another open door. One that was dark but filled with a voice. The voice of a deep sounding man. One that played in her head over and over.

Anne prided herself on her control. Everything went well because of her hand in things, yet she never let it get worse than the occasional fit. Her therapist was to thank for that "One day Ms. Frey it won't even matter. Why spend time being angry about something that won't matter in five minutes?"

That's what her therapist would say.

Now that made sense.

She put it into practice.

She focused on being better.

But what was the supposed to do when a certain subject mattered after those five minutes?

Her therapist didn't train her for that.

She was teaching her how to keep control but who was going to teach her how to loose it?

How was she supposed to react to something she treasured so deeply being taken away from her? Being stolen from her grip because of greed and possessiveness. The only thing she cared about losing being inches away from separation.

What was she supposed to do in that case?

She figured her therapist would understand.

She walked forward until she was standing in the door frame. The bedroom was cozy and contemporary. Pillows put neatly on the bed from what she assumed was because of a wife and family photos on the grey wall. It even smelled like what a home would. A mix of perfume and cologne. A dress hung up in the corner for the next day and his priceless watch sat in a case. A golden one just a little bigger than hers.

Turning her glowing green eyes, she watched the man on the phone sit on the edge of the bed. He laughed into the phone as took off his sneakers. For bringing in such a good amount of money she was slightly disappointed in his style choices.

"She'll sell fast. Just like all the other blondes." He grumbled. His deep voice almost unable to enunciate his words. He licked his lips and sighed as he ran his large hands over his bald head. Stopping as he looked out his window. The reflection of Anne started back at him as she shut his door slowly. "I'll call you back G." Putting the phone down he stood up.

He turned towards her with a smirk, his height towering over her as she smiled back at him, both of their calm demeanor's staring each other down. "Hello Johnny."


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