Chapter 6

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Ruby breathed out a long audible sigh as she watched the older woman roll her pasta around her fork. She ate so delicately. Only a small amount was allowed into her mouth at a time, followed by a dab of her napkin that she kept ready on her knees. "How long do you have me for?" Ruby finally asked breaking the silence.

"7 to 7."

The blonde rolled her eyes and laid her head in her hands. She could feel her stomach roll with hunger but she didn't let herself show it. The last thing she wanted was to let the woman enjoy herself.

"Are you sure you don't want a plate?" Anne asked tearing a piece of her breadstick. "Their dip is delicious."

Rolling her tongue along her teeth, Ruby ignored the woman's hand that drenched the bread in the oils. "Do you not have any friends to hang out with?"

"Too busy."

"Yet you have enough time to buy a whore every night?"

"I can send you back with a refund." Anne sipped her wine with an arched eyebrow. "And you are a looker." she chewed slowly letting her green eyes look her up and down.

Giving a dismissive blink, the blonde looked around the restaurant. Everyone was dressed so nicely from their days at the workplace and she felt slightly out of place because of it. Luckily, that didn't bother her. Being different didn't scare her. She remembered a time when it used too, but that didn't last long. She didn't have time for such trivial emotions. "Where do you work?"

"On Wall-Street." Anne answered dabbing her lips again.

"No shit, doing what?"

The brunette grinned at her words, "telling other people what to do."

"You're such a ray of fucking sunshine to be around." Ruby scoffed, "I bet your employees love you."

"I sign their paychecks so I bet they do too." Anne tilted her head as she watched the younger girl shift in her seat and look down at her hands. "You seem sad Goldilocks."

Surveying the fancy silverware and the detailed ceilings, the younger girl wondered how much people like them made. "What do you plan on doing with me for 12 hours every fucking night? You haven't even fucked me." Ruby paused processing the woman's words, "and don't call me Goldilocks. That story is fucking stupid."

"I thought it was a good story?"

"Breaking and entering? Stealing? Destruction of property?" The girl sat back and crossed her arms. "Fucking criminal."

Anne didn't even turn to the man who put the checkbook face down on the table. She only stared at Ruby with a scrunched face. "I don't know what I'm supposed to say to that." Picking up the bill, she put her card in the black slot, smiling when she heard the girl's stomach growl. "Too bad I couldn't finish my meal."

"You know there are kids starving?" Ruby leaned forward quickly, trying to show her annoyance.

Anne smiled and copied the girl. "Name two." When she only rolled her eyes, the older woman picked up her purse with a confident grin.

Staying seated, Ruby watched the brunette stand up and push her chair in.

"C'mon. We have places to be."

"I'm just so famished I don't know If I can even walk." Ruby patted her forehead dramatically and slid down in the booth.

Raising her eyebrows, Anne looked down at her plate and grabbed her last breadstick. "You can have this."

Reaching forward Ruby let her mouth open in disbelief as the piece of bread dropped from the woman's hand and fell onto the floor in almost slow motion. Looking up at the stoic woman, the blonde let her hand fall.

"Go ahead." She whispered.

Gulping nervously Ruby surveyed the restaurant where everyone seemed to be too engulfed in their own conversations and meals
to pay attention to them. "I'm not eating off the fucking floor." Standing up she stared the taller woman down.

Anne didn't seem threatened by the behavior as she stared back with a crooked smile. Her jade eyes not as intense as the girls, "Then I guess you aren't that hungry." Turning her heels her hair hit the girl's face as she walked out the door and to the car where Morgan waited with his paper still out.

"You know what, I don't have to put up with this shit. I can go to anyone else and get the exact same profit."

Anne waited for her driver to open the car door for her, "Then go."

Watching her slide in Ruby stopped the door from closing and bent down, "I don't even know what you fucking want from me. You pay for a prostitute but you haven't even done to me what most people buy prostitutes for."

"You don't ever get someone who just wants to talk?"

"You don't want to just talk lady."

Anne smiled. "You either stay to figure it out, or I'll find someone else." She tried to close the door but was stopped again by the fuming blonde.

"Can you find someone else?"

"You aren't special."

"I'm not?"

Anne clenched her jaw and lifted her chin up while she looked her up and down. "Get in or go home." Slamming the door shut she muted the conversation between them so Ruby stood up straight and sighed.

"Can I give you some advice?" Morgan asked folding up his paper.

Scratching her head as she looked around the parking lot Ruby nodded.

"Go home."

Scrunching her face as she watched him get into the car, she weighed her options. She knew he was being honest. But she couldn't stop from wondering who she was. What did this lady want?

"Do you need a ride?"

Looking behind her at a middle aged white man who rolled down his window,Ruby gave a tight smile. He looked like a guy that would steal toys at garage sales.

Anne opened her door, "She doesn't need a fucking ride, Get in the car Ruby."

"Get in your car?" The blonde crossed her arms, "I don't even know your name."

"I'm Richard." The man yelled hanging his arm out of his open window.

Smiling at the angry woman, Ruby tilted her head waiting for her to give in.

She gritted her teeth, "It's Anne."

Licking her own lips Ruby looked over at the man, "Sorry, Anne of green Gables and I have plans." Seeing the smoke he left behind as he flipped her off and turned onto the main road, the blonde coughed while sitting down in the familiar black leather seats.

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