Chapter 24

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Closing the cars door Morgan took his hat off and watched some cars pass by. Looking both ways he crossed the gross wet street and stepped up onto the sidewalk where two young ladies stood. They smoked cigarettes and giggled as a man talked to them. "Good morning missed." He smiled at the three and watched as the guy who once flirted looked st the older man with an irritated glance.

"Get lost old man." He scoffed and looked back at the girl's.

Smiling Morgan nodded and looked around to see if anyone was around. The rest of the street sat empty except for an occasional kid that ran to school. Probably in fear of being tardy.

"I said get lost." The skinny white man puffed his chest.

Morgan looked him up and down. His white jersey stained with something green and his red eyes blushing out of his being pale head. He wondered if the mans hair was thinning or just that greasy. "I need to talk to these two ladies, so if you don't mind...I think I'll stay here." Opening his jacket he pulled out a fifty dollar bill. "Is this enough?"

Taking the money the shorter man held it up to the sun and squinted his eyes. "Alright G." Pulling yo his sagging pants he winked at the girl's before strutting down the sidewalk.

Morgan watched him for a minute before looking back at the girl's.

"Have we met you before?" Amber asked taking a breathe of the smoke. "Don't tell me..." she smiled and started nodding, "You sell that good shit from Europe don't you?"

"I can assure you I am no salesman. I'm looking for Ruby Cowen."

"Why is everyone always looking for her?" Claudia rolled her eyes and threw her cigarette on the ground. Not even bothering to put it out with her foot. "We have shit to offer too you know."

Stepping on the cigarette for her, Morgan smiled again, "I'm looking for my boss. You may know her." Getting out his handkerchief and picking up the trash he folded his napkin up and put it back in his pocket. "Anne Frey?"

"I don't know who that is, and I really don't care." Amber leaned on the brick wall and held her head from her apparent headache.

"You will." Morgan put His hands behind his back, "my boss is not one for forgiveness."

"Is it that lady that was so sweet on Ruby?" She nodded remembering, "Brown hair, suit, looks like she has somewhere to be?"

"That's her."

"Well tell her we don't know shit." Amber said turning away from him.

Morgan modded, "where's your boss?"

"Johnny?" Claudia pushed her tits up as a man walked by. "Probably at the safehouse. Only two blocks away from here."

Bowing slightly Morgan put his hate back on his head. "Thank you ladies." Starting to walk away he stopped at the curb and looked back as Amber sighed.

"Why are you looking for her?"

"Ms. Frey doesn't take kindly to being stolen from."

Claudia and Amber looked at each other, "What will she give us if we say?"

Morgan smiled, "Mercy."

Rolling her eyes Amber took her phone out of her pocket and walked over to him. "I don't know how long she'll be there. Most girls that go into that house don't come back to New York."

Taking a pen out and copying the address onto his notepad Morgan thanked them with a tip of his hat. Taking out his own phone as he walked to his car he dialed his bosses number.


"I have two addresses."

The woman on the phone paused like she was letting a sigh of relief leave her body. "Thank you Morgan." Her deep husky voice almost cracking with emotions.

"I'll get her and set everything else up." He smiled as he buckled his seatbelt. "No need to worry Ms. Frey. We were prepared for this."

"Thank you Morgan."

Driving down the road the man nodded even though his boss wouldn't be able to see him. "I'll meet you tonight." Hanging up he never raced through traffic until he made it to a neighborhood he didn't often travel too. The houses were older and worn and the people sitting inside didn't seem to care.

Pulling up to a peeling white two stories house Morgan looked around and observed the cars. There was only one luckily and it seemed nice. An older model of a Chevy. Getting out he straightened his jacket and tie.

Unlike the people around him he prides himself on his looks. Even though these people made probably more money than him illegally they looked like disgraces.

Peeking through the cracked window the man observed the young black man asleep on the broken couch. It was missing a leg and was tilted forward because of it. The beef in his hand rolling down with gravity and hitting the floor. Standing straight again Morgan looked around. No one else seemed to be around to witness anything special.

Knocking on the door he listened to the man jump up and curse as he realized the beer had spilt. Opening the door and leaving the screen still closed he looked Morgan up and down with a smug look.

"Good morning sir,"

He didn't say anything. He only looked around him to make sure there was no one else there. his eyes were went everywhere as he seemed to breathe roughly from nerves.

"I was hoping you could help me. My car broke down and my phone is dead."

"Go somewhere else pops." The man replied wiping the sweat off of his own forehead.

Opening the screen door and stopping the wooden one from closing Morgan forced himself inside and saw the young man run to the living room where he assumed his gun was. He took too long however as Morgan lifted his arm and punched him before he could pick up the weapon.

Seeing him fall into the couch and roll off like his beer once did; Morgan took out his handkerchief, wiped his fist off and picked up the gun.


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