Chapter 21

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"You didn't have to be so rude lady."

Anne threw her keys on the cabinet and went to the bedroom.

Ruby held her arms out wondering what had happened. All she knew was her two friends were out walking and Anne would barely let her talk. she grabbed her arm and called a taxi. Those girls were like her family and she did not appreciate being pulled away from them. "What the hell are you doing?"

Anne stood in front of her mirror taking off her jewelry quickly. Her eyes on the task at hand as she ignored the younger girl.

"Amber and Claudia are my friends you had no right to make me leave like that."

Anne pulled her in the bedroom and closed the door. She left her standing confused as she went to her bed and started throwing off pillows. "It's midnight I'm not arguing with you."

Throwing her arms up the blonde scoffed and tried opening the door.

"It's locked." Anne said.

"Well then unlock it so I can let you go to sleep."

"We aren't going to sleep."

Ruby turned slowly. "You're rude to my friends, you ignore me, and the you expect to fuck?" She went over to the woman who was bent down grabbing pillows and put her hands on her hips. "If you think-"

Anne stood up, towering over Ruby from her heels and her lack of shoes. "If I think what?"

She gulped and then stood up straight, warning the woman she wasn't afraid. "If you think I'm that head over heels for you than you have another thing coming."

The woman's green eyes sparkled, "the only thing that will be coming is you." Pushing her backwards she waited until her body hit the mattress before she started shedding the girl's clothes.

Kicking her Ruby tried crawling backwards. "No! We are fighting!"

"Is that what we're doing?" Anne said ignoring her attempts to escape as she pulled the covers back.

"I'm a strong woman who-" Ruby froze seeing the brunette open the restraints that she had tucked away underneath the mattress. She only gulped.

"Now let me be clear." Anne grabbed the tinier girl's arm and pulled her down. "In the real world I have muted myself out of respect to you." She crawled on top of her as she forced the other arm into submission, causing the girl's eyes to close nervously. "In this room there's no respect."

Doing the same to her legs Anne got off and looked her up and down. "Pity you made me do that before I could take all your clothes off."

Ruby rolled her eyes and kept her mouth shut. Knowing little reaction would be annoying.

Hearing her heels click away the blonde turned her head and watched her bend down and look through her drawers in her bathroom. "You were still mean to my friends. You didn't even say hi to them."

"If you keep talking I'm putting a rag in your mouth."

Rolling her eyes Ruby looked back up to the ceiling. She kept her face normal as cold scissors touched her skin, running down her body as her shirt and pants were cut off. "Is this because I ruined your shirt?"

Hanging her head Anne tried hiding her smile.

"You also didn't let me pee."

"Why are you like this?"

"I'm sorry, I just have a small bladder." Ruby lifted her head and flashed a sweet smile.

Rolling her eyes Anne undid the girl and sat on the bed with a sigh as Ruby got up and ran to the bathroom. She leaned forward resting her head in her hands, the scissors still hanging from her fingers. She listened the progress being made in the bathroom and smiled hearing the sink turn on.

"I don't think I want you to be in control." Ruby left the bathroom and crossed her arms.

"I don't think I am anyways." Anne said.

The stared at each other for a moment.

"I'm hungry."

Getting up Anne chased the girl around the bed. Ruby laughing loudly as she bounced away from the older woman trying not to be caught. She forgot though that the bedroom door was locked as she went to the handle and shook it. He heart jumping as Anne grabbed her from behind and picked her up. "If you would just cooperate, you could get fed!" She whispered in her ear as she drug her back to the already messed up bed.

Holding her down she put the restraints back on sloppily. Tightening them as far as Ruby's body would let her. "It's like you want to be a sub but you don't know how to listen." She covered her mouth and ran her hand over her naked body. Feeling the goosebumps that she knew her touch produced.

Breathing heavily Ruby's face flushed knowing how hungry the older woman. Wincing as her hands slapped parts of her body roughly Ruby tried to talk through the hand.

Anne groaned obnoxiously and lifted her hand up. "What Ruby? What could you possibly have to say?"

"I just think you look really pretty."

Furrowing her eyebrows the older woman waited for the punch line. When there was none she nodded, "You too." Biting her lip she thought for a moment. "I don't know what to do with you."

Ruby shrugged.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Anne asked. She didn't even wait for an answer she reached over the laid out girl and grabbed her remote. Turning on her bedroom television she changed the channels until it was on some movie that Ruby seemed to be interested in. Putting the remote back down she grabbed a hair tie from her drawer and started putting up her hair.

"Wait- I thought we were going to watch a movie."

"I asked if YOU wanted to." Anne went down to the girl's center and hummed. "I'll be busy for a while."

"What if I um-" Ruby watched the TV with her mouth slightly agape. The feeling of her tongue sliding across her made her loose her train of thought. "What if I finish fast?"

"I'm not doing this for you." Anne said grabbing the girl's cut shirt and stuffing her mouth.


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