Chapter 26

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Opening the blinds slightly, Morgan looked out at the empty motel parking lot. It was still sunny and calm out there in the world while inside the room it felt musty and unbearable. Undoing his tie, he went over the small chair and sat down slowly giving his joints time to adjust as he let out a long sigh. The chair had little padding but it got the job done.

Patting his hands on the arms, he looked up at the peeling ceiling before hearing the girl's legs stir. He lifted his head and watched her eyes flutter open. Her arms were secured to the bed and her body was safely tucked away under the blankets. She shivered violently even though sweat dripped down her face and soaked her blonde hair. "Anne?" She asked. Her voice barely able to carry though.

"It's alright Ms.Ruby." Morgan said going over to the side of the bed. He examined her red tear stained eyes and dripping nose. "She'll be here soon."

Her body moved around as she tried to escape her restraints, her mind going into overdrive as her brain realized it wasn't running on the chemical high anymore. "Morgan I hurt." She cried. Her eyes were wide. She shook trying to get loose. "Let me out of here, I'm not doing this again Morgan."

Closing his eyes, he ignored her plea's and walked to the other side of the room.

"Get me the fuck out of here!" She yelled, her voice cracking and shaking as hard as her body did.

Morgan looked down at the floor. "You just have to get clean again Ms.Ruby."

"I'm not doing this again Morgan please."

He shook his head and rubbed the grey stubble on his face. "Calm down Ms. Ruby."

Her thrashing made the bed yell as she herself cried. He knew what it felt like. To go through withdrawals of something so addictive. It was the worst thing he had ever experienced, he wouldn't wish it on anybody.

Looking out the window again to make sure there was no one around, he subconsciously thanked god his boss didn't have to see her.

"Just stop it Morgan. Stop it please." Her head hit the pillow, the aches of the withdrawals flu probably making her head spin wildly.

"Do you think Anne would like to see you acting a fool?" He finally yelled back.

Becoming still, Ruby let her wide eyes collect tears until they ran down her cheek. Her shivers worsened but she relaxed her arms so the cuffs wouldn't be digging into her wrist anymore.

"She'll be here soon but I think we both know this is not something she should see." Going over to the small fridge he took out a Gatorade and some water.

"Where is she?" Ruby asked, her teeth chattering between words.

Sitting on the side of the bed he lifted her head up and put the bottle to her lips. "Take a drink."

Doing so, she closed her eyes tightly and laid her head back down. Her heart beat quickly but she tried to stay calm, her toes doing most of the moving for her.

"You just have the flu,that's all, Ms. Ruby."

Staring at the ceiling the blonde nodded. "Just the flu." The room was quite for a minute until she finally looked over at the man. "I was at the house wasn't I?"

He nodded.

Laughing she shook her head, "that's where the shitheads go to be sold overseas. Did you know that Morgan?"

He only watched her.

"They drug up these fucking idiot girl's and ship them out." She let her nose scrunch as she cried. "I'm not an idiot Morgan."

"I know Ms. Ruby."

Sniffling, she sighed as she felt the man's handkerchief pat her face dry. "It's just the flu." She repeated looking at his eyes. They were dark and unreadable until he smiled warmly.

"I've had this flu too."

"You have?"

"Ms. Frey found me on the streets" He leaned forward and folded his red cloth slowly. "The same one where we found you. Here I was her Elder and she picked me up. She gave me a job, she nursed me back to health. What woman would do that for an old man killing himself?"

Ruby shivered but listened closely to his quite words.

"That woman doesn't know how to feel because she feels too much." He shook his head and smiled again before undoing the water bottle cap and bringing it back up to the girl. "I'll give you something to help you sleep and In about thirty minutes I'll let the restraints go Ms.Ruby, until then you need to drink this whole bottle."

"Why are we in a hotel room Morgan?" Ruby asked watching him get up and go to the cabinet with a sack of stuff.

"Ms. Frey is one to always have a plan."

Deciding it was better to leave those questions alone, she closed her eyes as another violent shake took over her body. She still felt like she couldn't think right. All her body could focus on was how cold she was and how much she ached. From the wrists held captive to her sides that wanted to pop, she felt totally incapable of being a normal human. Her mind was in control. The only thing keeping her sane was the thought of Anne. The way her perfume smelt on her jackets and the way her jade eyes looked only at her. "She's coming right?"

"You know she is." He answered taking a pill out of his jacket pocket.

Ruby wondered how that was possible. How someone like her could care enough to do such a thing. She realized their time together was special. It was different than anything she had felt but she couldn't imagine the woman feeling the same. She couldn't imagine her being next to her for anything other than sex but she realized that was because she wouldn't be there for anyone else. She couldn't imagine it because Anne would only do it for her.

"By the time you wake you Ms. Frey will be right here with you." He smiled and put the medicine into her mouth. The water helping the pill flow down her sore throat.

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