Chapter 3

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Anne tapped her pencil on the arm of her Italian made swivel chair as she looked out the window. The city was alive, producing noises she would never get tired of, and moving faster than she could think.

New York was everything she wanted to be as a person and more.

"Mrs. Frey?"

She didn't respond. She only leaned her head back and closed her eyes waiting for her assistant to continue.

"Your twelve o'clock canceled."

Opening her eyes the brunette looked up at the ceiling, "Who was my twelve?"

"Steven from accounting."

She thought for a moment, but couldn't remember. "Too bad. Is Karen here?"

Mattie seemed to hesitate. "Yes."

"Send her in."

Anne smiled hearing the movement of squeaky office chairs and whispers before her door opened again. That was her favorite sound, the sound of compliance and fear. She wondered what they whispered about.

Knowing the woman was standing in the doorway, Ann turned her chair and smiled at her, "Where did you get it done?"

"With Millie." Karen beamed Letting her finger twirl through her new hair do. "What do you think?"

Getting up slowly, the older woman walked over to the shaking girl and lead her to the chair in front of her desk. As she sat, Anne stared at the yellow hair, her eye almost twitching with her irritation. She decided against saying anything however, as she let her fingers run along the outside of her employees hair. She compared the color to her own skin and squinted her eyes.

"Is it alright?" She whispered sitting completely frozen, her voice catching in her throat as her boss let go of her hair and bent down. Her colored eyes not being the dark green she usually encountered, but a bright burning green, like the eye of a raging hurricane. The messy seas that turned from a deep blue to a bright jade.

"It looks great." She finally answered not showing any emotion on her face. Standing up she motioned for the woman to leave and Karen did so quickly. Like her life depended on it.

"Mattie?" Anne called leaning on her desk, "Get rid of her."

"She's a great worker, why would you-"

Turning and searching for the younger girl to fight with her, Anne took a deep breath to calm herself. Her therapist wanted her to work on her anger. "Get rid of her." She repeated a little slower. Mattie finally nodded and turned to leave, knowing her boss wouldn't stop staring until she was out of view.

Mumbling under her own breath, Anne looked at the color of her watch. No one ever was the right shade of blonde. Blinking a few times as memories swept over she smiled. Except for that prostitute. Her hair was a perfect golden color. She wondered if it was real.

That was all she could think about until it was time for her to go home. And once she, did she directed her driver down that familiar road. She was ready for the bumps this time as she held on to the seat in front of her and narrowed her eyes as they passed women everywhere. "There." She pointed.

"I can't work the street and go Thursday Johnny are you fucking high?"

The tall man averted his attention away from Ruby and to the car that pulled up. He was always suspicious of the rich guys.

"This bitch again?" Ruby whispered puffing her cigarette. Letting the smoke escape her lips she smiled seeing the window roll down and the same woman stare at her. It was an odd stare, it wasn't like passion, but it was a want. Almost a need. Like a problematic child that demanded a new toy for Christmas.

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